Sometimes a lion attacked, sometimes a shark would take his life, not 1-2, but faced death 7 times, every time the person survived like this!

You must have heard a couplet, “Jako Rakhe Saiyan Maar Sake Na Koi…” No one can do any harm to the one who has God’s hand on him. This probably proves it completely on this person from America. A former American soldier has faced death not once or twice, but for 7 years (Man had 7 near death experiences). But his luck was so good that he came back alive every time and now he has told everyone what was the situation when he faced death!

According to the report of Daily Star, Joe Tati is a former black ops commando of CIA and he has gone through near death experience 7 times. Joe has told all these things on Julian Dorsey’s podcast. The most dangerous accident happened when he was shooting an episode for Discovery Channel’s show Dual Survival in South Africa, when a lion attacked him. Joe told that he was in Kruger National Park. At that time there was a cameraman and a person associated with sound setting with him.

Joe was attacked several times by wild animals, in which he narrowly escaped death. (Symbolic photo: Canva)

narrow escape from lioness
A lioness came in front of him who was lying down. As soon as Joe reached there, the lioness stood up and started staring at Joe. The lioness had her cubs with her, due to which she seemed more aggressive and angry. The way the lioness was staring at them, they thought she was going to pounce and kill them. But suddenly she stepped back while staring at them and did not cause any harm.

Shark also attacked
Similarly, once Joe was attacked by an elephant when it suddenly appeared in front of him. However, he did not cause any injury. Once while shooting a special episode of Discovery, Joe even came face to face with a shark. Dozens of sharks once started roaming around them. Then the shark attacked his legs, but instead of the leg, it chewed the swimming paddle attached to his leg, an incomplete part of which is still present with him.

Tags: Amazing news, trending news, Weird news

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