Somewhere you also do not drink water while eating food, along with this drinking too little or too much water can also be harmful.

Mistakes While Drinking Water:Water is very important for our body. About 60 c/o part of our body is made of water. If you do not drink the right amount of water, then many activities of your body can stop and you can fall ill. When you feel thirsty, your brain signals to you that your body is getting dehydrated. Nowadays people become so busy in their work that they forget to drink water. By doing this the body starts getting dehydrated. Drinking water is a very good habit, but you should avoid making some mistakes while drinking water. Most of us make these mistakes. These mistakes affect our health, so it is necessary to rectify them in time. Let us tell you about those mistakes so that you do not repeat them the next time you drink water.

Do not make these mistakes while drinking water

1. Not drinking enough water:

Dehydration can be caused by not drinking enough water. Nowadays people forget to drink water due to work. Experts believe that an adult should drink at least eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated.

2. Drinking too much water at one go:

Many people make this mistake that they drink too much water at one go. Let us tell you that drinking too much water at one go can lead to bloating, discomfort and even water intoxication, which can be dangerous.

3. Drinking water with meals:

Drinking water while eating can cause stomach related problems. Drinking water while eating can make it difficult for the body to digest food. Doctors say that water should be drunk at least 30 minutes before or after eating. Due to this, your digestion is good and you do not have any kind of stomach related problem.

4. Drinking Cold Water:

Drinking too much cold water can be dangerous for your health. This can reduce the ability of your body to digest food. According to experts, you should drink water at room temperature or slightly warm.

5. Drinking water with high minerals:

Drinking high mineral water can be harmful for the body. Drinking more of this water can cause many problems in your body. Therefore, as much as possible, you should drink at least as much mineral water.

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