Somvati Amavasya 8 april 2024 Date Puja time bathing importance Chaitra Amavasya

Somvati Amavasya 2024: Monday 8th April is the new moon day of Chaitra month (Chaitra amavasya 2024). Since Amavasya occurs on Monday, it is called Somvati Amavasya. It is told in Garuda Purana that it is very auspicious to offer offerings to ancestors on the date of Somvati Amavasya.

By offering offerings to ancestors on this day, one gets freedom from Pitra Dosh. Let us know from Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas the auspicious time of Somvati Amavasya, remedies, worship method, and all important information.

The first Somvati Amavasya of the year on 8 April 2024 (Somvati Amavasya 2024 Date)

Astrologer Dr. Anish Vyas told that according to the calendar, Somvati Amavasya will start at 3:11 am on April 8 and will end at 11:50 pm on April 8 itself. Due to Udaya Tithi, Somvati Amavasya will be celebrated on 8th April. When Amavasya Tithi falls on Monday. Then it is called Somvati Amavasya. A rare Indra Yoga is being formed on the date of Somvati Amavasya. By worshiping Lord Vishnu in this yoga, one gets relief from the troubles going on in life.

Special importance of Somvati Amavasya (Somvati Amavasya importance)

  • Astrologer told that Somvati Amavasya has great importance in Hindu religion. On this day, fasting, worship and bathing in holy rivers also have special significance. Women observe a fast on Somvati Amavasya for the long life of their husbands.
  • The day is considered very auspicious for the removal of Pitra Dosh.
  • Charity and pilgrimage done on this Amavasya gives inexhaustible virtue. The mind becomes calm and negative thoughts go away.
  • On this date, one should take bath in the holy rivers of their respective areas and visit the temples and shrines of mythological importance of the area. Auspicious work like worship etc. should be done.

Astrologer told that if we are not able to go to any river to take bath then mix Ganga water in water at home and take bath while meditating on the pilgrimages. Offer Arghya to the Sun. For this, fill water in a copper pot and offer it to Sun God. By doing this one can get the same virtue as pilgrimage and river bathing. After bathing, donate grains to the needy people and money and green grass to the cowshed. On Amavasya, meditate on incense for the ancestors.

Method of worshiping Gods and ancestors on Somvati Amavasya (Somvati Amavasya Puja vidhi)

Burn pots made of cow dung at home around 12 noon and pour jaggery and ghee on the embers. Meditate on your ancestors. Take water in the palm and offer Arghya to the ancestors from the thumb side. Light a lamp in a Shiva temple, chant the mantra Om Namah Shivay while offering water to the Shivalinga. Light a lamp in front of Hanuman ji and recite Hanuman Chalisa or Sunderkand.

Indra Yoga – Astrologer told that after many years a rare and auspicious Indra Yoga is being formed on Chaitra Amavasya. This yoga will last till 06:14 pm. Worship and auspicious works can be done in this yoga.

Shiv Vas – Astrologer told that on Somvati Amavasya, Lord Shiva will be with Adishakti Maa Parvati till 11:50 pm. If Lord Shiva is worshiped during this period, every wish is fulfilled. It is said in the scriptures that when Lord Shiva is with Mother Parvati, performing Rudrabhishek gives manifold results.

Somvati Amavasya 2024 date

Chaitra Amavasya Tithi starts – 8th April at 3.21 am

Chaitra Amavasya date ends – 8th April only at 11.50 pm

Importance of bathing with Ganga water

Astrologer told that taking bath in Ganga or other holy rivers on this day is considered very virtuous. The best time to take bath is considered to be before sunrise. It is believed that by taking proper bath on Somvati Amavasya, the blessings of Lord Vishnu always remain. If you cannot go to take bath in rivers, then mix some Ganga water in bathing water and take bath at home. It is also believed that taking proper bath on this day brings peace to the souls of ancestors.

Chaitra Amavasya is the last day of the Hindu year.

Astrologer told that Chaitra Amavasya is the last day of Vikram Samvant year. Vikram Samvant is also known in common language as Hindu calendar. After the end of Chaitra Amavasya Tithi comes Chaitra Shukla Pratipada Tithi which is the first day of the Hindu year. It is said that Lord Brahma had created this universe on the day of Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. Navratri also starts from the first date of Hindu New Year.

Astrological significance of Amavasya

Astrologer told that on the day of Amavasya Tithi, Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign. While the Sun represents the igneous element, the Moon is a symbol of coolness. The influence of the Moon becomes zero after coming under the influence of the Sun. Therefore, this is an effective day to concentrate the mind. Therefore, Amavasya day is best for spiritual contemplation. A person born on Amavasya has Moon defect in his horoscope.

Offer Arghya to the Sun on Amavasya

Jyotishacharya told that according to Padampuraan, even worship, penance, yagya etc. do not make Shri Hari as happy as taking bath in the morning and offering Arghya to Lord Surya who gives light to the world, hence all the troubles of previous birth and this birth are destroyed. To get freedom from sins and to get the blessings of Lord Surya Narayan, every human being must offer Arghya to the Sun by reciting Surya Mantra regularly.

Ancestors reside in the Peepal tree

The astrologer told that it is believed that on the day of Amavasya the ancestors reside in the Peepal tree. If Peepal and Lord Vishnu are worshiped on this day, all the wishes are fulfilled. To get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, offer milk mixed with sweet water on this day, because on this day Goddess Lakshmi is considered to reside on the Peepal tree. After the puja, circumambulate the Peepal tree as much as you can and pray for the end of all the problems coming in your life.

You will get virtue by donating

Astrologer said that donating food, milk, fruits, rice, sesame seeds and gooseberry on this day brings virtue. Food should be provided to the poor, sadhus, mahatmas and brahmins. Apart from bathing, charity etc., by offering offerings to the ancestors on this day, the blessings of the ancestors remain on the family.

please the ancestors like this

The astrologer told that on the day of Somvati Amavasya, put sesame seeds in water and offer it in the south direction in the name of ancestors. Amavasya date is dedicated to ancestors. In such a situation, by offering tarpan on this day, the ancestors get satisfaction and they give blessings. Worship the Peepal tree on Amavasya day. Offer milk and circumambulate seven times. Light a lamp under the Peepal tree. Doing this brings happiness in the family.

Worship Lord Vishnu on Somvati Amavasya. On this day, the seventh chapter of Geeta should be recited for the ancestors. While meditating your ancestors, donate on the day of Somvati Amavasya. Plant a Peepal tree on the day of Somvati Amavasya. By doing this the ancestors become happy. That economic situation improves.

Remedies on Amavasya

  • The astrologer told that on the day of Amavasya, mix sesame seeds in flour, make roti and feed it to the cow. This will bring happiness and peace in the house.
  • Make flour balls after bathing on Amavasya day. Feed these pills to the fishes. Many problems are solved with this solution.
  • On the day of Amavasya, meditate on your ancestors and donate to the needy or poor. On the day of Amavasya, recite the seventh chapter of Geeta for the ancestors.
  • On the day of Amavasya, mix sesame seeds in water and offer it towards the south, by doing this the ancestors give blessings.
  • See your shadow in milk on Amavasya day. Feed this milk to a black dog. This relieves mental stress.
  • Light a lamp in the north-east corner in the evening on Amavasya. Use red colored metal for the wick. Mother Lakshmi is pleased with this.
  • Feed flour mixed with sugar to the ants on Amavasya. With this all the wishes are fulfilled.

Somvati Amavasya 2024: Light lamps at these 5 places on Somvati Amavasya, ancestors will be happy, spoiled work will be resolved.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on assumptions and information. It is important to mention here that Does not constitute any endorsement or verification of information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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