South Wales woman wears second hand underwear to save money not bought new clothes from 20 years

Many people in the world are so extravagant that they spend a lot of money on every little thing. They don’t hesitate to spend money like water. Now if they become rich, they will not mind spending so much money, but if they are short of money, then they are forced to take loans. But many people are of opposite thinking. They are so miserly that they do not even spend on their needs and live in poverty despite having money. One such woman lives in Wales (Wales woman wear second hand underwear), knowing about which you will definitely say that this is the limit of stinginess!

According to the report of Metro website, Angela Morton, a resident of South Wales, is the mother of two children. For the last 20 years, she has been buying second hand clothes (Woman wear second hand clothes), or cheap clothes only. There is only one reason behind doing this, saving money. Although this is a good habit, but you will be surprised to know that she buys second hand even her underwear. She chooses eBay and Vinted to buy her clothes or other accessories. She said that she has saved thousands of rupees from second hand shopping. Recently he bought 3 goods second hand and saved around Rs 1.4 lakh.

The woman has taught this habit to her children and husband as well. (Photo: Jam Press via

Children also got used to wearing old clothes
Now she has even convinced her husband David, 17-year-old son Ben and 16-year-old daughter Megan to do the same. His children have been wearing second hand or hand made clothes for the last 10 years. Angela was very fond of vintage stuff since she was 19 years old. Gradually, he made it a fashion trend. He used to like the clothes of 1950 and 1960 very much.

woman buys old underwear
She says that sometimes she buys new socks and underwear, but most of her underwear is second hand. She says that she uses old underwear until the tag is removed from it. Now she wants to start her own business and wants to focus people’s attention towards fast fashion.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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