Stars swallow their own planets, can Earth also face such a danger?

Who doesn’t like the beautiful bright and white twinkling stars in the dark sky at night? . Many people feel relaxed after seeing these before going to sleep at night, But the recent discovery about these stars is surprising. In which scientists have found some stars that have a tendency to swallow their own planets.

This discovery is helping us understand the complex relationships between stars and planets in the universe, But the question arises whether the Earth can also face such a danger? Let’s find out.

Why do stars leave their own planets?

When a star reaches the last stage of its life, it runs out of a large amount of fuel. In this situation the star starts to contract and its temperature increases. During this time, the star sheds its outer layers into space and turns into a giant red giant. In this process the gravitational force of the star also increases, Because of which the planets around it start getting pulled towards it and get absorbed in the final star.

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Is Earth also in such danger >?

This question usually arises whether our Sun will also swallow the Earth one day? According to scientists, This is possible based on the life cycle of the Sun. The Sun is currently in its middle age and the next 5 billion years it will remain stable, But after this the Sun will turn into a red giant and shed its outer layers. During this time, Mercury and Venus will definitely merge into the Sun. What will happen to the earth?, Scientists have no definite opinion about this yet. Some scientists believe that the earth will also get absorbed in the sun, while some believe that the Earth will be pushed away from the Sun.

Recent in occurring astronomical events

In recent years, astronomers have discovered many stars that are swallowing their planets. These discoveries have helped us understand more about the life cycle of stars. For example, The Kepler Space Telescope has discovered many stars around which the remains of planets have been found. These remains indicate that these planets were once absorbed into the star.

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