Stool Health Check Know How Potty Reveals Your Health

Stool Health Check Know How Potty Reveals Your HealthStool Health Check Know How Potty Reveals Your Health

Stool Health Check : It may be a bit strange to hear, but it is true that the condition of health is revealed by Poti. The color of a healthy body potti can range from light brown to thick brown. Apart from this, any color like white, light yellow, green, red, black, gray indicates bad health. Not only the color of potty, its size, texture, consistance also tells about health. In such a situation, let us know what things potty points to, how many times in 7 days it is right …

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What things are revealed by potty

1. Many things of diet and health are known from Poop Quality.

2. Whether drinking enough water or not

3. Stress hormone cortisol level in body

4. There is no allergy to any food

5. Whether taking sufficient amount of fiber or not

6. There is no worm or parasite in the stomach

7. There is no problem in the gastrointestinal track

8. The body is coming out in sufficient quantity of stumk acid ie hydrochloric acid or not

9. Not eating more chili, spices, oil food

10. Antacid, anti -allergies or antibiotics are not taking

How many times a day should be a toilet

According to American gastroenterologist Dr. Wils Bulshevich, a healthy person may need to go to Poti once a day. There should be a gap of at least 24-32 hours between going to the toilet twice. It is not necessary to go to the toilet once a day. If you go to the toilet once in one and a half to two days, there is no need to worry. This is a habit, which should have consistency. If there is disturbance in it, then the stomach and health can also deteriorate.

How many times in 7 days is it right to go to the toilet?

According to health experts, the habits of going toilet can vary from every person. Potty is considered to be 1 to 3 times a day or at least 8-10 times a week. If more or less toilet goes, it can be a sign of digestive system disturbances.

When to contact the doctor

If someone is constantly having constipation, diarrhea, bleeding in the stool, the color of the potty or the problem of abdominal pain, then one should go to the doctor without delay. So that it can be treated before the problem increases.

Check out Below Health Tools-
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

Calculate the age through age calculator

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