Strange bicycle…no one has been able to ride it till date; Reward of Rs 10000 for the one who runs 10 meters

Bhopal. What if you found out that you were getting paid for cycling? So you won’t believe it, but it’s true. Riding a bicycle may sound like a very common thing, but there is a bicycle in the Science Center located in Bhopal, which if you ride even 10 meters, you will be given a reward of Rs 10,000. This reward will be given by the Science Center only. Let us tell you about this unique bicycle…

This is not an ordinary bicycle, rather it is a bicycle that plays with the mind, which when you turn left, it will go right and if you turn right, it will go left. Operating it is not as easy as you think.

Announcement of reward of Rs 10 thousand
This cycle has been manufactured by the scientists of MPCST, Science Center located in Nehru Nagar, Bhopal. It is present in the building Vigyan Vimarsh Veethika located inside the Cycle Science Centre. Where anyone can go and ride this bicycle. MPCAT scientist Pankaj Godala said that one can learn to ride this bicycle in 6 months, but to ride it one will have to forget the previously learned bicycle, because to ride it one has to use the complete reverse technique. The technology of this bicycle is such that when you turn right, it turns left and when you turn left, it turns right. Because of this its balance is not achieved.

this is the challenge
It is not easy to ride left or right bicycle. To make it work, it is necessary to control the mind. You will have to forget the way of riding a normal bicycle, only then anyone can learn this bicycle easily in 6 months. Till date no one has been able to win a prize by riding this bicycle. Scientists will give a reward of Rs 10,000 to the person who rides this bicycle for 10 meters without keeping his foot down. So far, children from many schools and colleges have come to ride this cycle, but no one has won the prize yet. Scientists are waiting for someone to come and win this prize in 2024.

Tags: Bhopal news, Latest hindi news, Local18, Mp news

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