Strange riot! Two elderly people became Sultans on the road, one of them hit him so hard that he lost his seat, VIDEO

Gulshan Kashyap/Jamui:- Films on wrestling are continuously being made in Bollywood. From Mr. Perfectionist Aamir Khan to Bhaijaan Salman Khan have also been seen wrestling in Bollywood. But just imagine if you are going to the market and see a wrestling match in the middle of the road and if that wrestling is not between a wrestler but between two elderly people. You may be surprised to see this and may even feel pity for those elderly people. A similar video of wrestling has surfaced from Jamui district, in which two elderly people are fighting with each other in the middle of the road. Along with kicking and punching, a wrestling match was also seen between the two.

You won’t be able to stop laughing after watching this wrestling video of Jamui.
Actually this video is of Bodhvan pond of Jamui district headquarters. It is seen in the video that two people are fighting among themselves. Both are around 60 years of age. The first person among them kicks and punches the other person first. When the other person also retaliates, both of them come face to face to fight each other. Then within no time both of them get into the wrestling mood just like wrestlers. Meanwhile, the first person picks up the second person and with great force throws him on the road in a wrestling style. However, during this time the people standing there come to the rescue and calm down the fight between the two. You will not stop laughing after watching this video.

Note:- If the intoxication was due to alcohol… When this song was played in the orchestra, a person climbed on the stage and created a ‘scandal’, VIDEO

Why did both the elders become fighters?
Let us tell you that it is seen in the video that one person is the driver of the e-rickshaw, while the other person is a passenger going to Bodhvan Pond in this e-rickshaw. It is being told that when the driver asked for fare from the passenger, he refused to pay more fare. After this, an altercation started between the two. Meanwhile, both of them came out of the e-rickshaw and collided with each other. What happened next, a fight started between the two on the road itself. However, later the people present there pacified him by convincing him. At present, this video of both the elders has become a topic of discussion on social media.

Tags: Amazing news, Bihar News, Fighting, jamui news, Latest viral video, Local18

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