Street Food: ‘Vegetarian’ mutton is available here in Deoghar, fans lick their fingers after eating it

Paramjit Kumar

Deoghar, Generally, garlic and onion are used extensively in mutton or chicken dishes. But, if we say that there is a restaurant in Deoghar, Jharkhand, where mutton is made without onion and garlic. You will be surprised to know this, but it is true. The special thing is that people eat this mutton without onion and garlic. Once one tastes this dish, he becomes crazy about its taste. He reaches here again and again to enjoy it. We are talking about the Chops Cafe restaurant located near Barmasia Chowk in Deoghar.

Rahul Kumar, manager of Chops Cafe restaurant, told News 18 Local that 10 to 12 kg of meat (Khasi) made without garlic and onion is consumed here daily. From the people who come to worship in the Baidyanath temple to the pilgrimage priests, they come to taste it. Mutton without onion and garlic sounds a bit strange, but people eat it by licking their fingers. Rice and bread are served with this mutton.

Where did the unique concept of making mutton come from?

Rahul Kumar told that a large number of people reach Baidyanath temple for worship. Many of these people also offer sacrifices in the Kali temple located in the premises. Apart from this, people from far and wide come to offer sacrifices in other temples of Deoghar. After the sacrifice, the devotees come to make Prasad. They demand that Prasad should be made without onion and garlic. This is where the concept of making mutton without onion and garlic has come. After this, it was included as a dish in restaurants. People are liking it a lot.

Learn recipe of mutton without onion and garlic

Chef Rohit of Chops Cafe restaurant told that mutton is prepared even without garlic-plaz. It is delicious to eat. For this, first mix turmeric, coriander, chili powder, ginger and curd in raw mutton, marinate it and keep it in the fridge for one to one and a half hours. After that, put the pan on the stove. After the oil is hot, add whole cumin seeds, chillies, bay leaves and asafoetida to it. After that mutton mixed with spices and curd is put in it.

Mutton and other ingredients are roasted on low flame. During this, the secret masala of the restaurant is also put in it. This adds flavor to the mutton. It takes about one and a half hour for the mutton to get ready. After roasting for an hour, a thin solution of wheat flour is added to the mutton. Due to this, the mutton does not stick to the pan and the gravy also thickens. The mutton is ready after half an hour of adding the flour solution. Now it can be served to the customers.

Home delivery facility is available

The manager of the restaurant, Rahul Kumar told that they bring mutton after getting the khassi cut in front of them. After this, it is prepared by the special chef of the restaurant. Full plate mutton is Rs.450. It comes with four pieces. At the same time, two pieces of mutton comes in the half plate. Its price is 250 rupees. Mutton is served with rice and roti, which people eat with great gusto.

He told that apart from Jharkhand, people from Bihar, West Bengal and UP also come here to offer prayers in the temple. After worship, those people come to his restaurant for food. Home delivery facility is also available with them. Also, you can order from Zomato, Swiggy etc. app.

Chops Cafe restaurant can also be reached through Google Map..

Tags: Deoghar news, Food business, Jharkhand news, street food

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