Stress and obesity go together, know how it stores fat in the body

Stress and Obesity: Do you know that the more stress you take, the more obesity also increases. Actually, stroke and obesity are lifestyle disorders and connected to each other. Nowadays, as stress is increasing rapidly in the busy lifestyle, obesity is also increasing at the same rate. This has also been proved in many researches. In such a situation, let us know what is the connection between stress and obesity and what harm it can cause…

Stress increases the risk of obesity, how

A study published in the National Library of Medicine states that obesity causes stress and stress causes obesity. Stress can affect cognitive processes such as self-regulation. Due to this, the craving for foods like calories, fat and sugar increases, due to which the body is not able to function normally. During stress, the production of hormones like leptin and ghrelin increases, which are responsible for increasing appetite. In such a situation, one just feels like eating and ends up eating too much. Due to this overeating, obesity increases rapidly. Being under stress for a long time also reduces physical activities and fat gets stored in the body. This also reduces sleep, which is a reason for increasing obesity.

Unhealthy habits increase due to stress

1. The level of cortisol in the body increases during stress. Due to which the craving for unhealthy foods increases. In such situations, emotional eating occurs, which can lead to weight gain.

2. Whenever we are under stress, we start eating unbalanced things. Similarly, under such stress, the habit of not eating food also develops, due to which hunger suddenly increases and we eat more.

3. Being under stress affects sleep. Due to lack of proper sleep, there is a fear of imbalance of body hormones, which can lead to many health issues.

What to do if you want to prevent stress and obesity

1. Do not make the mistake of ignoring problems like chronic stress.

2. To avoid stress, focus on yoga and meditation. Workout-Make exercise a part of your daily routine.

3. Avoid stress eating. Keep healthy things around you, so that if needed, you can eat things like seeds, nuts instead of junk foods.

4. To avoid stress eating, you can take foot massage, which is very beneficial.

5. To avoid stress eating, it is important to relax and divert attention. Black tea can help you in this.

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