Stress is getting out of control, so include these foods in your diet, it will help in controlling Cortisol level.

Stress Control Foods: Due to the hustle and bustle of the day, work pressure and changing lifestyle and eating habits, stress is affecting most of the people today, which is harmful for health. Whenever someone is under stress, his cortisol level increases, which is not considered good for heart health and digestion. Due to this, blood sugar level can also increase and immunity can also be affected. It is clear that it can affect overall health. According to health experts, stress can be both good and bad. In such a situation, let us know what should be done to avoid this…

Does the body need cortisol?
Dietician Anju Vishwakarma says that cortisol is a very important hormone for the body but its excessive quantity is also dangerous. Too much cortisol can affect other hormones in the body. He says that cortisol helps the body to wake up from sleep in the morning. This provides energy. When we wake up in the morning, it is at its highest level for about 1 hour. Being under stress all the time means that cortisol levels are high. This can cause many problems.

What is the harm due to high cortisol level?
1. Too much weight may increase.
2. There may be irritability.
3. Memory may become weak.
4. Mental confusion may occur.
5. Age can increase rapidly.

Symptoms of increased cortisol level
1. Feeling work pressure
2. Feeling constantly tired
3. Difficulty in sleeping or sleep disturbance
4. Being worried or nervous
5. Worrying about things that are not under control
6. Getting angry or angry, screaming again and again
7. Memory loss or getting distracted
8. Indigestion, Ulcer or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
9. It is more difficult to recover from injury
10. High blood pressure or rapid heartbeat
11. Worsening of appetite patterns

How to Balance Cortisol
1. Include Vitamin B1, B5, B6, B12 in your diet.
2. Include Vitamin C and Tyrosine in your diet.
3. Phosphatidylserine (PS) can be taken, but on the advice of experts
4. Use fish oil daily.
5. Stay away from caffeine and alcohol.
6. Eat foods like gluten and dairy in balance or avoid them.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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