Students make millet biscuits, you can also make biscuits by following these steps

Krishna Kumar/Nagaur: We all have tasted different types of biscuits. In which cream biscuits, coconut biscuits, wheat biscuits and different types of biscuits have been tasted. At the same time, the work of making millet biscuits is being done by the students of Nagaur Agricultural College. In which biscuits are being made by the students. The professor gives them guidance.

Professor Nisha Chaudhary says that the students studying here are taught the art of making biscuits to make them entrepreneurs. Which is made and marketed by the students themselves. Only the students get the benefit from this. In which students bring all types of materials, make them and sell them in the market.

This is how biscuits are made
Nisha Choudhary tells that to make biscuits from millet flour, first prepare the cream by extracting the cream from ghee and adding powdered sugar to it. After that flour is mixed and mixed.

After mixing the flour, add baking powder/soda to it, mix it and then add the desired flavor to the flour. After mixing it, sifting of flour is done. After shedding it is cut into different shapes. After serving, the biscuits are cooked at 160° Celsius for 20 to 25 minutes. The biscuits are prepared in this manner.

Students are getting benefits with skills
All the biscuits made here are sold by the students and everyone also gets profit. Apart from this, the student acquires the skill of becoming an entrepreneur.

Tags: food 18, Local18, Nagaur News, Rajasthan news

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