‘Study, otherwise you will have to run a handcart’, the boy took his mother’s scolding seriously, sold goods worth lakhs in 10 days!

Usually, to explain the importance of studies to children, parents have a taunt that if they do not study properly, they will have to work as a street vendor. Usually, children sit down to study just to hear this, but a boy took it in a different way. The mother made him sit on a snack cart to tell him about the difficulties of life, but the boy surprised his mother.

It is said that every child has his own talent. In our education system, their ability is judged only by their studies but no one knows what they want to do. Something similar happened in the neighboring country China. A boy living here was scolded by his mother for poor grades and made to sit on a cart. The boy liked this work so much that he left his studies forever.

‘Son, if you don’t study, you will just end up running a cart’
According to the South China Morning Post report, a woman named Deng living in eastern China was worried about her son’s studies. Seeing his deteriorating grades, the woman talked to him. When the son said that he did not want to go to school because there was nothing in studies, the mother was shocked. Finally, to explain the difficulties of life to her son, she started making him sit at a snack stall, which she herself had been running for 3 years. She wanted to show him how difficult it is to earn money and that there are more challenging jobs in the world than studying.

The boy understood- ‘The future is here’
The boy would take an electric bike and go 13 km from home to a snack stall and sell it there. The mother was surprised to see that her son earned more than 1 lakh 17 thousand rupees in just 10 days. He would start cooking at 9 in the morning and leave with the cart at 4 in the evening and return at 3 in the morning and sleep. The mother was shocked to see this, but she was saddened by the fact that her son left his studies and started running a cart. After this story went viral on social media, people gave interesting reactions to it. Some called it the result of harsh parenting, while some said that success is not achieved only by studies.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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