Such a scandal happened in the hospital, 100 women missed becoming mothers, everyone was shocked.

Hospitals are good for treatment, but such a scandal happened in a hospital in London that more than 100 women missed becoming mothers. Now she may never be able to get pregnant. Actually, these women had cancer. Doctors advised removal of the uterus, but the women wanted to become mothers. For this, she froze her eggs in a famous IVF centre. So that later they can become pregnant from these eggs. But in the meantime something happened that dashed their hopes. She lost the chance to become a mother.

According to the Daily Mail report, when this news was given to the patients a few days ago, they were surprised. The eggs of all the women were frozen in the clinic in September and October 2022; He was also charged a hefty fee for this. But later the center said that due to some fault in the bottles in which the eggs were kept, all the eggs melted and did not survive for reproduction. The center said, irregularities have been found in the bottles and it is being investigated. On the other hand, there is concern that the same bottle has been sent to other IVF centers also. Therefore this error can become even bigger.

Hopes of becoming a mother are almost over
After the matter came to light, the Human Fertilization Authority of London became active and is investigating seriously. According to the report, now the hopes of these women of becoming mothers are almost over. Women troubled by the destruction of eggs and embryos say that they are devastated. Now they are not able to understand anything. After all, what is our fault in this? This is devastating.

Know when to freeze eggs
Generally, after the age of 30-35 years, women face difficulty in conceiving naturally. That’s why many women are freezing their eggs so that they can use them later to get pregnant. Can make family plans. Till a decade ago, women used to freeze eggs at the age of 37-38, but now this age has become 33-34. According to experts, this is a very easy and natural method. If for any reason a woman does not want to conceive at the right age, then she should get her eggs frozen in her late 20s or early 30s.

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