sunita williams get stuck in space know astronauts health issues in hindi

sunita williams get stuck in space know astronauts health issues in hindisunita williams get stuck in space know astronauts health issues in hindi

Astronaut Health Issues: Indian-origin American astronaut Sunita Williams will remain stuck in space with her partner Bush Wilmore till February 2025. NASA had sent both the astronauts into space for only 8 days but due to a malfunction in their spacecraft, they are facing difficulty in returning. Now Sunita and Wilmore have to stay in space for more than 6 months. During this time they are at risk of many serious diseases. In such a situation, let us know what diseases astronauts get in space, how much time does it take to recover from them…

1. Space anemia

Anemia means lack of blood. Lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells (RBC) in the blood is called anemia. Lack of blood in astronauts in space is called space anemia. In space, the body tries to adapt itself to an environment without any natural air, due to which there is a lack of blood in it.

The body contains up to 70% water and many types of fluids, which flow downwards on Earth, but in space, the blood flows upwards towards the heart through the blood vessels, which reduces the production of blood and RBC in the body and can cause many dangerous problems.

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2. Muscles and bones become weak

Staying in space for a long time weakens the muscles and bones. Research has shown that muscle mass can decrease by 20% in just two weeks and by 30% in long missions. Bones weaken by 1-2% every month. This increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

3. Heart danger

4. Effect on the brain

There is no gravity in space, due to which the balance of body and mind is not maintained properly. Many researches have shown that the structure of the brain changes in space. There is a risk of swelling in the nerves and parts of the brain, which affects the ability to think and understand.

5. Radiation hazards

6. Psychological effects

Staying in space for a long time can lead to problems like stress, anxiety, depression, because the body lives in a completely different environment. Due to this, sleep disappears and the body starts facing many mental challenges.

These are the disadvantages of staying in space for a long time

Digestion is badly affected.

Skin can get damaged; taste and smell can also be affected.

Headache, nausea, and vomiting

There is swelling in the face and nose,

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