Sunlight did not reach in winter, villagers together created their own sun

The sun and its light are very important for every human being living on earth. In winter, humans need sunlight the most. However, in many areas of the world there is no sunlight for months. But a village found a solution which no common man could think of. In fact, to get sunlight, the people of this village have made their own artificial sun. 

Which village?

Italy, a village The biggest problem was that the sun used to rise in the village, but the location was such that sunlight could not reach any part of the village. Lack of sunlight in the village had become a big problem for this village. To overcome this problem, the villagers made such a solution that everyone is praising it. Let us tell you that the name of this village is Vignella, which is located between Switzerland and Italy. Here the sunlight becomes very less especially between 11th November to 2nd February.

Mayor of Vignella raised funds

Actually, Vignella village is situated in the mountains. There is a village situated between. Therefore, direct sunlight does not reach here for two and a half months. The result was that the local people felt like Siberia. 200 people live in this village. After this, in the year 2005, with the help of Vignella Mayor Pierfranco Midali, about Rs 1 crore was collected, then the work of installing a huge mirror on the hill in front of the village was started. After this, the villagers had installed a 40 square meter mirror on the mountain by November 2006. Its weight was about 1.1 ton, it was installed at a height of 1100 meters. Let us tell you that this computerized mirror follows the movement of the sun and rotates throughout the day. In such a situation, this mirror illuminates a part of the village for about 6 hours. After getting sunlight, a big change has been seen in the nature of people. 

How did the idea of ​​giant mirror come

In 1999, Vignella Architect Giacomo Bonzani suggested installing a sundial on the wall of the church. This clock tells time from the position of the Sun. However, the then mayor Pierfranco Midali rejected the suggestion. After this he asked Bonjani to make something that would ensure sunshine throughout the year in the village. Work was underway on a plan to install a large-sized mirror from here. Although the light provided by artificial mirrors does not provide as much warmth as natural sunlight, it is enough to heat the main square and illuminate the houses. Let us tell you that after this, in 2013, a similar mirror was installed in Rjukan, a valley in south-central Norway.


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