Super Baby: For the first time in history, a wonderful child born from DNA of 3 people, will not have genetic disease

It has been imagined for a long time whether such a child can be born, who does not have any genetic disease? Now the answer has been found. For the first time in the world, such a child has been born, who will not have any genetic disease. Nor will any harmful genetic mutation be seen in it. It would be possible to cure all diseases. It is being called the first SuperBaby. Actually, this child is born from the DNA of three people. Not only is the DNA of the parents present in this, the DNA of another woman has also been taken.

From the point of view of medical science, it is nothing less than a miracle. According to media reports, this child was born in England. The technique with the help of which the child was born is adopted to prevent mitochondrial diseases. In this, tissues are taken from the eggs of a healthy woman. Then IVF embryos are made from these. These embryos are free from harmful mutations that the mother can pass on to her children. That is, the embryo in the womb of which it was born, will be completely safe from the genetic diseases of that woman. If there is any disease in the mother’s body, then it will not go to the child.

Child’s health will never be bad
According to the scientist, this is the most successful way to protect newborn children from genetic diseases. Actually it is a modified form of IVF technique. Mitochondria of biological parents’ sperm and egg have been mixed in the embryo formed by this technique. Mitochondria is the power house of any cell. Whatever harmful mutations happen, they get stored in these power houses. They later affect the health of the child. Usually, women suffering from this face problems in pregnancy. Even if somehow the pregnancy happens, the child gets one or the other genetic disease. His health starts deteriorating.

Appearance and appearance will be like parents
According to reports, in this whole process, 99.8 percent DNA was taken from the parents and the rest was found from the woman who gave birth. The child will have nuclear DNA from its parents, which will inherit key characteristics such as personality and eye colour. But the third donor, who was a woman, would have only a small amount of her DNA. That is, mostly this child will look like his real parents.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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