Supermoon 2024 Date and time in India know five beautiful thing of sky like solar eclipse moon eclipse aurora dark red moon and comet

The supermoon will appear on August 19 at 11:56 pm. The special thing is that it can also be seen in India. This is the first supermoon of 2024, after which supermoons will also be seen in September, October and November 2024. Do you know that there are many things in the sky that are even more spectacular than the supermoon? We are telling you about five such things, which should not be missed even by mistake and even the supermoon fades in front of them.

When is the Supermoon visible?

Michael JI Brown of Monash University believes that the supermoon may seem exciting, but it is the result of a simple coincidence. He told that the moon revolves around the Earth. Its distance from us is 357,000 to 407,000 kilometers. When the moon and the sun are almost in opposite directions from the Earth, there is a full moon on Earth. ‘Supermoon’ is also a full moon, where the position of the moon in its orbit is within 10 percent of the closest approach to the Earth. This is the reason why the supermoon becomes visible. The supermoon is about 14 percent bigger than the normal full moon.

When is the best time to see the moon?

According to Michael JI Brown, the best time to see the moon is when its shadow is the longest. These long shadows help to distinguish the craters and mountains of the moon from the surrounding plains. When the moon appears as a half moon in the night sky, its shadow is the longest. On the other hand, the shadow is the shortest during a full moon or supermoon.

never miss these things in the sky

Michael JI Brown said that there are many such things in the sky, in front of which the supermoon cannot stand anywhere. He told that during May 2024, millions of people around the world saw bright aurora. These also include those points from where the aurora was seen very little distance away. Apart from this, watching a comet can also be amazing. The comet moves in the inner solar system and forms a bright tail, which is millions of kilometers long and is visible from the Earth. Apart from these, a total solar eclipse is very spectacular. At that time the day turns into night for some time. At the same time, the experience of lunar eclipse is also no less than a spectacular thing. Also, when the moon turns dark red during a lunar eclipse, that view is completely different.

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