surrogacy rules changed now govt allows donor egg and sperm for couple who needed baby

Surrogacy Rules: There is a good news for those who wish to fulfill their desire to have a child through surrogacy. By changing the rules of surrogacy, the Central Government has given permission to take donor eggs and sperm. Last year, due to Rule 7 in surrogacy, there was a ban on taking eggs or sperm from the donor, due to which the rule of the couple to use only their own eggs and sperm was implemented. But now this rule has changed and couples who want to have a child will be able to take eggs and sperm from a donor.

Changes in these rules

The Central Government has made this change by amending the Surrogacy (Regulation) Rules, 2022. Under this rule, if the parents who want to have a child are unable to use their own eggs and sperm due to some medical condition, then they can take the help of a donor. It is being said that due to this change, it will become easier for them to become parents. Lakhs of helpless couples will be able to have the happiness of having children.

Statistics say that most of the couples in India have taken the help of surrogacy after not being able to conceive naturally, miscarriage and IVF failure. The current situation was that the couple seeking the help of surrogacy should have both the gametes (egg and sperm). That means there should be both egg and sperm. Now it happens many times that one of the partners in the couple fails to donate egg or sperm due to some medical condition and due to this it becomes difficult for the couple to become parents. But under the new rules, if egg or sperm is not available then you can fulfill your dream of becoming a parent by taking the help of a donor.

The new rule states that before taking the help of a donor for surrogacy, it will have to be certified by the District Medical Board that one of the couples is unable to donate eggs or sperm due to some medical condition. Along with this, there is also a condition that the donor can be used only if one of the couple donates his gametes. If a single woman, a divorced woman or a widow wants to become a mother through surrogacy, then she is allowed to use her own egg and donor’s sperm. Let us tell you that by issuing a notification last year, the Central Government had banned donor gametes in surrogacy. After this, many review petitions were filed in the courts to change it. After considering these petitions, the Supreme Court had advised the Central Government to reconsider this amendment.

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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