Surya Grahan 2024 Hotels in America become 12 times more expensive know how many crores of business will solar eclipse give

Surya Grahan 2024: Special preparations are being made in America to view the solar eclipse. Around 50 lakh people are expected to reach there to witness this amazing sight. There will be darkness in at least 12 states falling in America’s ‘Path of Totality’. Considering all these things, the demand for hotels in America has also increased almost 12 times. Business is also expected to be good during this period.

Business worth crores will be done in America during solar eclipse
In view of people’s excitement regarding the eclipse, Delta Airlines has announced two special flights. Which will pass through the eclipse path. 83 thousand tickets of these flights have been sold immediately.

Also, the airline companies are busy in getting approval from the government for the curved route to show the view of the solar eclipse on April 8 to the people on both the right and left sides. People have also booked many hotels to see this picturesque view. Looking at all these things, it is being estimated that due to solar eclipse, a business worth Rs 13 thousand crore can be done in America.

How many people will see the solar eclipse?
According to experts, this time three times more people are expected to see the solar eclipse than last time. In fact, the last time a solar eclipse was seen in America was in 2017. This time the ‘Path of Totality’ is 60% wider and equally longer than last time.

The next solar eclipse will be seen in America in 2045. In view of this, the demand for planes falling on the route of solar eclipse has increased by 1500 percent. Besides, the demand for ISO certified glasses to view this spectacle has also increased considerably.

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