Suspicion was on daughter-in-law, DNA test exposed mother-in-law’s secret! Son is unable to recover from the shock after knowing the truth.

Mother In Law Demands DNA Test of Grandkid: Very strange stories keep coming up in the world. Sometimes we get to hear something so strange that we are stunned. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is rarely seen to be good. In such a pair of mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, when the mother-in-law doubted the birth of her granddaughter, she suffered a loss.

If some secrets of life remain hidden, then it is okay. Due to her stupidity, a woman herself revealed her decades old secret. Although the woman wanted to poison the life of her son and daughter-in-law, but something happened that she herself has reached the verge of breaking her house.

Granddaughter’s demand for DNA test
According to the report of Mirror, a woman brought this incident to the fore through her Reddit account. The woman wrote that she had given birth to a child who had green eyes. Nobody in the house has green eyes, so her mother-in-law suspected that the child was not her son’s. After much persuasion, the woman agreed to get the baby girl tested. When the DNA test was done, the child turned out to be of the woman’s husband but an old secret of her mother-in-law came to the fore.

Son came in shock after knowing the truth of his mother
In the DNA test report, it was found that the man’s daughter is his own, but she is the illegitimate child of her mother. The one whom he has been considering as his father for 29 years is not his biological father but the result of his mother’s old affair. Now the person is not able to understand whether he should tell the truth of his mother to his father or not. At the same time, his mother does not even have an idea that her son has come to know such a big secret.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, relationship, Viral news

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