T-Rex dinosaurs were no more intelligent than monkeys, today’s crocodiles were as smart as lizards – new research

If you have seen the movie Jurassic Park, then it has been told how clever and clever hunters were the Tay Rex dinosaurs. According to the film, he was smarter than humans, but this is not true. In fact, scientists used to believe that hunter-gatherer dinosaurs were actually very smart. But a new study has claimed that he was not as clever as was thought. Researchers claim that they were the smartest among reptiles, but not as intelligent as monkeys.

A team including researchers from the University of Bristol and the University of Southampton have re-examined the size and structure of the brain in dinosaurs. He concluded that they behaved like today’s crocodiles and lizards.

Last year, a study claimed that dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus rex had an unusually high number of neurons. But Dr Darren Naish of Southampton Uni says his study shows that all the data he has is against this idea. T. Rex were like smart giant crocodiles, and just as fascinating.

Monkey is one of those animals whose intelligence is considered close to that of humans, but less than that. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Haddy George, a PhD student at the University of Bristol, said the intelligence of dinosaurs and other extinct animals is best determined using multiple lines of evidence, from gross anatomy to fossil footprints, rather than relying on neuron number estimates alone. .

Such studies raise many questions in themselves. Among these, the criteria of being intelligent are the most important. At the same time, even if we assume that dinosaurs were as intelligent as today’s crocodiles or lizards, then how will it be decided how intelligent they should be considered?

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Dr. Kai Kasper, leader of the study from Germany, says that his argument would be that it is not a good practice to predict intelligence in extinct species when we have to proceed only on the basis of neuron counts reconstructed from endocasts. Whatever this study has done, it has sparked a debate.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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