If Jinnah had accepted the advice of this astrologer, Pakistan would not have been in such a situation!

If Jinnah had accepted the advice of this astrologer, Pakistan would not have been in such a situation!

The year 1947. The country had not yet been divided into two parts. But the British were in a hurry to leave the country. The last Governor General Lord Mountbatten wanted that the two countries should be divided somehow.  On 20 February 1947, British Prime Minister ‘Attlee’ announced that the British government would hand over power to India before June 1948. On 23 March 1947, Lord Mountbatten is made the Viceroy and sent to India. On this day, the Muslim League celebrates ‘Pakistan Day’. On 3 June 1947, Lord Mountbatten…

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Independence day 2024 what vedas say for patriotism service revolution and protection of the nation

Independence day 2024 what vedas say for patriotism service revolution and protection of the nation

Sanatan Dharma inspires patriotism, service to the country, revolution and protection of the nation. That is why so many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for the country by fighting against the British, in whose memory we celebrate Independence Day every year on 15th August. Independence Day Let’s celebrate. The Vedas contain a lot of the noble feeling of nationalism. In Rigveda 10.191.2, a prayer has been made to God- ,San Gachchhadhwam San Vadadhwam San Vo Manansi Janataam. Deva Bhagam Yatha Purve Sanjanana Upasate. Meaning- “O God! Please give us such…

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Mahatma Gandhi did not participate in the celebration of India’s first Independence Day at that time Mahatma Gandhi was in Bengal

Mahatma Gandhi did not participate in the celebration of India’s first Independence Day at that time Mahatma Gandhi was in Bengal

This year India will celebrate its 77th Independence Day on 15th August 2024. Independence Day Will celebrate. Independence Day is celebrated with great pomp and show across the country. But do you know that at the time of independence in 1947, the Father of the Nation of India, Mahatma Gandhi did not attend the Independence Festival. Yes, when the country was officially becoming independent, Mahatma Gandhi did not attend the celebrations. Today we will tell you the reason behind this. Azadi Festival India officially got independence on 15 August 1947.…

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Why was August 15 chosen as the day for India independence What was the meaning of this date for the British

Why was August 15 chosen as the day for India independence What was the meaning of this date for the British

This time India will celebrate its 77th Independence Day on 15 August 2024. Independence Day is celebrated with great pomp and show across the country. But do you know why 15 August was chosen as the day for independence in the year 1947? Today we will tell you the reason behind choosing 15 August. independence India officially got independence on 15th August 1947. This time the whole country will celebrate the 77th Independence Day. But now the question is why 15th August was chosen for independence. Why is Independence Day…

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The country got independence on 15 August 1947 but the national anthem of India was adopted on 24 January 1950

The country got independence on 15 August 1947 but the national anthem of India was adopted on 24 January 1950

This time India is going to celebrate its 77th Independence Day. Every year in India Independence Day The tricolour is hoisted on Independence Day (15 August) and Republic Day (26 January). The national anthem is also sung on this occasion. But do you know when India got its national anthem? Today we will tell you when the national anthem was included in the Constitution. india national anthem The Indian flag and the national anthem of India are the pride of all countrymen. But do you know when the national anthem…

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