The world’s oldest wine has been found; it was imprisoned in a 2000 year old tomb

People often do not like old things. But when it comes to wine, the matter turns upside down. Actually, it is said about wine that the older it is, the higher its price. But what if the wine is not a hundred or two hundred years old but two thousand years old. Let us tell you about the oldest wine in the world in this article today. Along with this, we also tell where humans found the oldest wine in the world. 2000 year old wine Carmon is a city…

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Excavation was going on in a building that was thousands of years old, when suddenly a clay pot was seen, everyone was stunned when the lid was opened!

You must have heard from people that the older the wine gets, the better it is. But have you ever heard of 2000 year old wine? You will think how is it possible to have such old wine? But scientists have made the impossible possible, because they have found the world’s oldest wine. This wine was found in a building, which was actually a tomb, whose excavation was going on. Suddenly a clay pot was seen during the excavation. As soon as its lid was opened, 2 thousand year old…

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