Corona Virus Has Increased The Risk Of Diabetes

Corona Virus Has Increased The Risk Of Diabetes

Corona Virus: Kovid virus wreaked havoc in the country. Thousands of people succumbed to the virus. Lakhs of people got infected by the virus. Even though the outbreak of the virus has not been as much today after the vaccine and people became aware, but it is not that the danger of the virus has ended. The serious effect of Covid is still being seen on the human body. Recently a study was published regarding this. The results in this have been very surprising. Study published in the journal, relation…

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Diabetes Symptoms More Insulin In The Body Diabetes Should Be Tested 3 Times

Diabetes Symptoms More Insulin In The Body Diabetes Should Be Tested 3 Times

Diabetes Symptoms: Diabetes, hypertension are lifestyle related diseases. Doctors say that people who walk by maintaining the lifestyle. For example, following rules like meditation on healthy diet, yoga-exercise, sleeping on time. They are very less likely to get these diseases. To prevent any disease, it is necessary to check it first. Timely diagnosis makes the treatment of the disease easier. This type of patient got diabetes test done 3 times According to media reports, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), diabetic patients should test their blood sugar at least…

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