Cyber Crime: Recently, a news has come out quoting NordVPN that the data of 600 million users is being sold for Rs 490. This data has been saved in the bot market at the rate of Rs 490 per person. The surprising thing is that the name of India is at the top of the chart of this data being sold. In such a situation, 2 questions definitely come to mind that can anyone buy data from bot market, and how can we keep our data safe? In today’s news,…
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What is bot market where data of 600 million people is available? Selling like this for only Rs 490
Cyber Crime: In today’s world, some people are calling data as the new gold. From hackers to many companies, everyone wants data. Recently, news related to data is coming to the fore. According to an estimate by NordVPN, the data of at least 5 million people has been stolen. The stolen data of these 5 million people is also being sold on the bot market at a nominal price. You will be surprised to know, but the name of our country India is at the top in the chart of…
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