A luxurious farmhouse, but when the police raided it, they were stunned, such a thing was found inside, it is hard to believe

If there is a luxurious farmhouse, everyone will think that rich people must be living inside. But when the police raided a luxurious farmhouse in America, they were stunned. Because about 10,000 pieces of human remains were hidden in this farmhouse built on 18 acres. Wherever you look, there are only pieces of human corpses… most of these were of young boys. Some were burnt, while some were crushed. The police could not believe it. You will be surprised to know that even after 30 years of the incident, the…

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Everything is acceptable in love! Man can’t bear the distance from his girlfriend, so he goes to office by flight every day

People go to great lengths in love… some start stealing and some start looting. Some even become murderers. But the story of this person is different. This person named Seb works in London. But since his girlfriend lives in Hamburg, Germany, he travels from Hamburg to London by plane every day. It takes him 5 hours every day to commute. A lot of money is spent, yet he does not want to stay in London. As soon as the job is over, he reaches the airport to board the plane.…

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GOLD pulses! Gold is above 70 thousand rupees, but here pulses are having 24 carat flavor, people’s mind is blown away

Dal With 24-Carat Gold: Recently you must have read the news that the prices of gold have increased so much that all the records till now have been broken. Gold prices have crossed Rs 70,000. Amidst the rising prices of gold, making jewelery has become a very expensive hobby for people. But there is also a restaurant where people are being served pulses mixed with golden ghee. Shocked, no this is not a viral trend nor is this news about gold ghee fake. Dals in this restaurant are actually served…

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‘Only to have sex…’ Father of 180 children feels scared, what did he say on romance?

Sperm Donor News: A man from Newcastle, Britain has helped 180 children in birth by donating sperm. On the condition of anonymity, the 52-year-old man has revealed the struggle of his life. He said that helping women get pregnant has cost him a lot. Be it about his ‘love life’ or married life. The man has been donating sperm for 13 years using various methods including natural and artificial sperm donation. The man told that because of sperm donation, he could not do any permanent job, there was no love…

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Do you hesitate after seeing Khichdi? Emperors used to lick it and eat it, its history is interesting

know the Lavish History of Khichdi: Khichdi is such a food that mothers often do not feel like cooking, so it becomes dinner in our homes. However, if we talk about children, they always make faces after seeing Khichdi. Many people even call Khichdi the ‘food of the sick’. Because when a person is ill, this food is most digestible for your stomach. But do you know that the Khichdi which you are making faces after seeing, was the Khichdi that emperors like Akbar and Jahangir used to lick and…

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Cars and vehicles do not run in these 7 cities of the world, there is no trace of pollution, in India…

Car Free Places: Around the world, there are places that are free from urban congestion and pollution. These places prioritize pedestrian safety and sustainable transportation options, creating environments where tourists can move freely, free from the noise and pollution of vehicles. At these places, travelers visit the nearby historical sites and natural mysteries on foot, by bicycle or by electric shuttle or horse-drawn carriages. The car-free environments of these places help tourists slow down the pace of life, immerse themselves in the local culture, appreciate the beauty of the surroundings…

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garland of slippers wearing viral video Unique candidate pandit keshav dev aligarh loksabha seat – News18 Hindi

Wasim Ahmed/Aligarh: The date of Lok Sabha elections is getting closer. Anyway, political parties have intensified their publicity and preparations. Independent candidates are also working hard and trying tirelessly to attract the attention of voters. Its hallmark was seen in Aligarh Lok Sabha constituency 15, where an independent candidate was roaming around wearing a garland of slippers. His video is also going viral, in which he is asking for votes wearing a garland of slippers. Actually, Pandit Keshav Dev has received the slippers election symbol from the Election Commission, hence…

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amazing saree made of Japanese pearls its price is as much as a Mahindra Thar weird news – News18 Hindi

Anjali Singh Rajput/Lucknow: Everything about the City of Nawabs is unique. Even today, it would not be wrong if the city of Nawabs is called a golden bird. Because, the most expensive saree has been made here. The price is so high that you can buy a car like Creta and Thar for that much. Yes, you will be shocked to hear the price of the saree we are talking about. Because. Its price is Rs 12 lakh. This saree is made on chikankari cloth. It has been made with…

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OMG! Have you ever eaten Kiwi-Dragonfruit flavored Golgappa? Woman made 52 types of Panipuri, food scientist made world record

Mumbai’s Chef Neha Shah creates over 51 types of Golgappa water: Golgappa, Panipuri, Puchka, Pani Batashe, Tikiya… and what not. No matter what the name is, this is such a dish that as soon as you hear its name, its taste hits your mouth. Who doesn’t like Golgappa, but its real taste lies in its water. You must have seen 5-6 types of Golgappa water in your city, street or locality. But a woman from Mumbai has done wonders. Mumbai-based food scientist and chef Neha Deepak Shah has prepared 52…

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Jinno wali masjid of rampur built mosque within one night – News18 Hindi

Anju Prajapati/Rampur: In India you will find many such temples and mosques, whose history is hundreds of years old. One such mosque exists in Rampur and is considered one of the holiest places by Muslims. The ghosts always haunt the sleeves here. The wishes of all the people who come here are also fulfilled. The history of this mosque is also very old. A large number of devotees gather at the Jinn Wali Masjid in Rampur on Thursdays. People from half of India come to visit the mosque and get…

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