AC servicing should be done 3 to 4 times To increase the efficiency ac repairing tips

AC Repairing Tips: At this time, heat is wreaking havoc in many states of the country. People prefer to stay in the air conditioner at home instead of going out of the house. At this time, there is only one AC. Which is saving people from this scorching heat. But to keep working well, AC should be serviced on time. Timely servicing of AC increases both its efficiency and life. Most people do not know how many times they should get it serviced in a year or season. We will…

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You have installed an AC worth thousands in your house but it is still not cooling? These 5 tips will solve your problem

How to Cool Your AC in Summer: It is the month of June in India and the heat is increasing very fast. In such a situation, it has become very difficult to live without AC. If your AC is not cooling at such a time, then it is a matter of great trouble. Therefore, today we are going to give you some tips, after which your Air Conditioner will not only cool well but will also reduce the use of electricity. If you want relief in this summer season, then…

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4 reasons why your AC is not cooling in summer how to repair ac at home tips

AC 4 Cooling Tips: In this scorching heat, our biggest support is the air conditioner. If the AC does not work properly, then even our night’s sleep gets disturbed. If the AC does not work even during the day, then we start feeling restless. Often people have this problem that the AC of their house is not working properly, due to which the cooling is less. Some people spend a lot of money by calling an AC repairman. Sometimes it happens that we can solve the problem ourselves. Let us…

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Laptop Cooling Tips How to Save your device from overheating know all tips here

Air Conditioner Cooling Tips: People across the country are facing scorching heat at this time. Recently, due to the scorching heat, many cases of AC fire and compressor burst have been reported. In such extreme heat, we also need to keep our electronic devices cool. Here we are going to tell you about some such tips, which will keep your laptop cool in summer. If your laptop is also overheating then you should not ignore this thing at all. Ignoring this mistake can damage your laptop quickly. Not only this,…

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at what height should ac installed in room room for more cooling know the details

AC Cooling Tips: These days summer season is going on in India. It becomes very difficult for people to go out during the summer season. So with this it becomes very difficult to live in homes. The strong sunlight heats the house a lot. To escape the heat, people get AC and cooler installed as per their need and budget. ACs are a little more expensive than coolers. But they are absolutely best to escape the heat. That’s why people resort to AC to escape the heat. When you get…

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