This way of getting relief from scorching heat is dangerous, reduce the use of AC, otherwise…

This way of getting relief from scorching heat is dangerous, reduce the use of AC, otherwise…

AC Side Effects : This time it is going to be extremely hot. A glimpse of this can also be seen in the beginning itself. Rising temperature is affecting health in many ways. Special care should be taken of health in this season. To keep him hydrated, he should keep drinking water continuously. However, many carelessness and use of certain things invite many kinds of dangers. One such thing is air conditioning i.e. AC. Its use is increasing rapidly. Living in it is considered harmful for health (Air Conditioner Side…

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AC Side Effects Using Air Conditioner All Day These 5 Diseases Will Spoil Your Health And Body

AC Side Effects Using Air Conditioner All Day These 5 Diseases Will Spoil Your Health And Body

Air Conditioner Side Effects: Now most of the people have got air conditioner i.e. AC installed in their homes. There is no doubt that AC helps us a lot in saving us from the scorching heat and makes us feel cool like December-January in the heat of May-June. But some people have a habit of staying in AC all day. If they have to face the heat even for a while, then they get upset. Agreed that AC works to give you relief from the heat. But do you know…

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Health Tips Side Effects Of Ac Air Conditioner In Hindi

Health Tips Side Effects Of Ac Air Conditioner In Hindi

AC Side Effects: The heat has started showing its attitude. There is talk of increasing the humidity even more in the coming days. In such a situation, people adopt different methods to avoid the heat. Some run fan, some run cooler..but nowadays the use of AC has also increased a lot. If you are also spending most of your time in AC to avoid the heat, then you should be careful, because it has many side effects (Side Effects of Air Conditioner). It can make you ill. AC can make…

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