Here gold worth Rs 5 lakh is flying in the air every day, but it is not easy to get it, scientist told the reason

Gold is one of the most precious metals in the world. Actually, it is extracted from mines and after a lot of hard work, jewelery etc. is made from it. But there is a place on earth where gold worth Rs 5 lakh is flying in the air every day. But if you are thinking that anyone can take it easily, then wait. It is not at all easy to reach here. The scientist has given the reason for this. According to the report of the New York Post, there…

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India only active Barren Island Volcano Know what will happen if it explodes

Traces of the devastation caused by volcanic eruptions will be found at many places on the Earth. There are many countries in the world which have been facing the havoc of volcanic eruptions for centuries. However, India has been safe in this matter for the last several decades. But will India be safe from this danger in future also? We are saying this because there is a volcano in the country which is continuously active. Scientists are worried that if there is an explosion, then how much will India have…

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There is a place in India where going is banned, smoke always comes out

There is a place in India where going is prohibited. Now you must be thinking that there is such a place in our country where no person can go. This place is in the Bay of Bengal, about 150 kilometers away from Port Blair, the capital of Andaman. Today we will tell you why it is forbidden to go there.  Where in Andaman? This place is about 150 kilometers away from Port Blair in Bengal. There is a volcano in Barren Island, spread over an area of ​​about three km…

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Mauna Loa The Worlds Largest Volcano Erupted Again In Hawaii After 39 Years The Sky Turned Red

Mauna Loa Volcano: Mauna Loa, the world’s largest volcano, has started erupting after 39 years in the Hawaiian Islands. This volcano, lying dormant for four decades, suddenly started erupting on Sunday. After the eruption, the whole sky turned red and the debris coming out of the volcano got accumulated around. According to the American Geological Survey, after the eruption of the volcano, emergency crews were put on alert in the entire area. However, after its explosion, the debris that came out of it did not go far. The amazing view…

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