Bishkek Violence Amid Kyrgyzstan Attack India Pakistan Release Advisory to Students Know 10 Big Updates

Bishkek Violence Amid Kyrgyzstan Attack India Pakistan Release Advisory to Students Know 10 Big Updates

Kyrgyzstan Violence: A crowd has become violent against international students in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Amidst the heavy violence in the area, many foreign students, including those from Pakistan, are reportedly still facing threats from the local people. Both India and Pakistan have asked students to stay indoors and contact their embassies. Meanwhile, the Kyrgyz Republic said that the situation is completely under the control of security forces. Know 10 big updates 1. Several foreign students, including those from Pakistan, were reportedly attacked on May 13 in Bishkek city after a fight…

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How do lawyers get chambers in the Supreme Court, what is its complete process?

How do lawyers get chambers in the Supreme Court, what is its complete process?

When any person needs legal advice, he first searches for a lawyer. But do you know how lawyers get their chambers in the Supreme Court, the highest court of the country. Because in any court the identity of a lawyer is his chamber. Today we will tell you how lawyers get chambers in the Supreme Court.  How do they get chambers? All the courts of the country have different rules. There is a separate bar association. Apart from this, there is a chamber allotment committee. The head of this committee…

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Why do hands and feet remain cold in winter? Know the ways to overcome it

Why do hands and feet remain cold in winter?  Know the ways to overcome it

  Children and elderly people feel more cold during winter season. But some people feel more cold in their hands and feet than other parts of the body. However, the design of our body is such that the body temperature remains balanced. Today we will tell you why some people feel cold in their hands and feet.  Let us tell you that when the temperature outside the body remains very low, in that situation our body Ensures that blood flow to the vital organs of the body is maintained. So…

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IIT Professor V Ramgopal Rao On Chatgpt Gave Student Some Useful Advice Chatbot Can Replace You

IIT Professor V Ramgopal Rao On Chatgpt Gave Student Some Useful Advice Chatbot Can Replace You

Chat GPT: After the introduction of Open AI’s chatbot ‘Chat GPT’, AI tools are continuously being discussed. People are doing their work easily with Chat GPT. This chatbot is being said to be good for the future. On one hand, where people are happy about this AI tool, on the other hand, some people believe that it will reduce the creativity, thinking power etc. of children, which is not good for their future. Amidst all these questions and answers, an IIT professor has given some advice for the children on…

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