India Afghanistan Relations Indian government help Taliban by sending 40000 liters of Malathion pesticide. India-Afghanistan Relations: Taliban told India

India Afghanistan Relations Indian government help Taliban by sending 40000 liters of Malathion pesticide.  India-Afghanistan Relations: Taliban told India

India Send Afghanistan Pesticide: The friendship between India and Afghanistan is very old. India has also helped Afghanistan many times. Taking this tradition forward, India once again helped Afghanistan like an elder brother. They have sent 40,000 liters of Malathion, a pesticide, to Afghanistan through Iran’s Chabahar port. According to the report of The Economic Times, insects that damage crops in Afghanistan are called locusts. They are causing a lot of damage to crops in Afghanistan. Keeping this in view, India has sent 40,000 liters of pesticide called Malathion. Malathion…

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