Why do satellites not fall anywhere on Earth? Where does their waste go

You must have often seen junk and garbage somewhere around you. Wherever humans live on earth, garbage is common. But have you ever thought how much dirt is there in space. How much garbage do the satellites present there spread after getting damaged. Today we will tell you how much garbage is there in space and how it is cleaned. Space Let us tell you that there are many satellites present in space. But many times the question is asked that where do these satellites go? According to the information,…

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I am going to sell the bike only, I am not from this country, Pakistanis make such amazing excuses for not wearing a helmet.

  People often make very strange excuses for not wearing a helmet on a bike. In fact, when caught in police checking, to avoid fine, many times they say that they forgot or had to go to this side. But meanwhile, no one is able to stop laughing after listening to the reason given by Pakistani citizens for not wearing helmets in a video report of BBC.  What did Pakistani citizens say< /strong> BBC media has made a video report in collaboration with Pakistan Police. In which Pakistani police is…

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