{“_ID”: “67b165811630BEC9A107B01A”, “Slug”: “Husband-Found-Hanging-Hanging-on-Valentine-DAY-in-in-in -gra-2025-02-16”, “Type”: “TYPE”: “Status”, “Status”, “Status”: ” Publish “,” Title_hn “:” Up: Caught conspiracy with brother -in -law … Khaifak Khaifak plans carried out on Valentine’s Day, this is the husband’s body “,” Category “: {” Title “:” Title “:” City & states “,” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” City-Rand-States “}} agra police – Photo: Amar Ujala Expansion On the night of Valentine’s Day, a young man committed suicide by hanging a noose on the night of Valentine’s Day in Tajganj village in…
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Investigation Started Against School Running Without Affliation – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67b03A0A3829f356aa0824A2”, “Slug”: “Investigation-Started -gainst-School-Running-WITHOUT-WIFLHOT-2025-02-15”, “Type”: “Story”: “Story”: “Story”: “Publish”, “Publish” . : “City and State”, “Slug”: “City-Rand-States”}} Officers arrived to investigate the school. – Photo: Dialogue News Agency Expansion The city education officer recorded the statements of the children in the case of filling the form of high school class without recognition at the Sharda Convent School Nunihai Rambagh, Agra. The school manager could not show any paper regarding high school recognition. The Basic Education Officer has been sent a report to take action. Trending videos Remove this video/advertisement…
Read MoreRoadways Bus Crisis Due to Mahakumbh 2025 – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67ace41f346bc2A84209ed6”, “Slug”: “Roadways-Bus-CRISIS-Due-to-MAHAKUMBH-2025-2025-2025-202-12”, “Type”, “Type”: “Status”, “Status”: “Pubrisy” , “Title_hn”: “Agra: Mahakumbh sent 125 buses, passengers are raising problems on these routes including Delhi-Eta,” Category “: {” Title “:” Title “:” City & States “,” City_HN “:” City: ” And the state “,” Slug “:” City-Rand-Sights “}} There was silence at the roadways bus station – Photo: Amar Ujala Expansion The Transport Department has again sent 125 buses for Mahakumbh to Prayagraj. Because of this, passengers going on other routes including Agra to Delhi are not getting buses. They…
Read MorePillars will be installed at 200-200 meters on bot sides of the canal hence these instruments were given – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67ac25c70cdfefc033fc033f58”, “Slug”: “Pillars-will-bee-end-insalled-2000-200-200-200-meters-on-both-both-both-both-sides-of-the-the-the-sides-the-siste Given-2025-02-12 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Agra: Pillar on either side of the canal on 200-200 meters on both sides of the canal, so these instructions given given ” . Canal – Photo: Dialogue Expansion Pillar will be installed at 200-200 meters on both sides of the canals in Agra. To prevent encroachment, this instruction has been given by District Panchayat President Dr. Manju Bhadoria on Tuesday in the irrigation brothers. Also instructed to submit an action plan to make…
Read MoreThe police made the couple take an oath on the bhagavad gita – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67a8543d61dfe1300c2120”, “Slug”: “The-made-the-the-the-couple-take-aath-aa-or-to-bahagavad-gita-2025-02-02-02-02- Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_hn “:” Up: The illegal relationship of the husband is theft … The couple reached the police station, the police asked for the Bhagwat Geeta; “Category”: “Category”: {“Title”: “City & States”, “Title_hn”: “City and State”, “Slug”: “City-R-Right-States”}} Couple – Photo: Amar Ujala Expansion Due to suspicion in Agra, the case of dispute between husband and wife reached the family counseling center on Saturday. In counseling, they started accusing each other. The police ordered Bhagwat Geeta when I swear. Both vowed…
Read MorePNG LINE GOT DAMAD STOVES DHID NOT BURN in 600 Houses Food Had to be Ordered from Outside – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67a79cb2A84deac15408e79d”, “Slug”: “png-line-stole-stoves-not-not-burn-in-in-in-in-600-Houses-face-face-up-to-to——-day-to-up-up-up-up-up-up-up-up-up-upside- 2025-02-08 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_HN “:” Agra: PNG line damaged, did not burn food in 600 houses; Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” CITY-R-D-States “}} PNG line. – Photo: Dialogue News Agency Expansion Food was not cooked in more than 600 houses on Saturday night as the line of piped natural gas (PNG) was damaged at Jaipur House in Agra. People spent the night after getting food from the…
Read MoreStoves was not lit in 1500 houses png was down for eight hours – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67A4F25C00FC15A7e40822e9”, “Slug”: “Stoves-and not-lyt-in-1500-haouses-png-png-was-down-for-eight-haurs-2025-06”, “Type”, “Type” : “Story”, “Status”: “Publish”, “Title_hn”: “Agra: 1500 houses burnt stove, eight hours stalled PNG; Food from outside”, “Category”: {“Title”: ” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” City-Rand-Sights “}} PNG line. – Photo: Dialogue News Agency Expansion The supply was stalled in the PNG (piped natural gas) line on Thursday in half a dozen posh colonies including Jaipur House, Pratap Nagar, Saket Colony in Agra. The 32mm gas line was faced at around 1 pm. The stoves did…
Read MoreEtawah MP’s Gunner’s Arrogance Took Out 29 Cars and A Bus Without Paying Toll – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67a31183bf473cadfd0c6497”, “Slug”: “etawah-mp-s-s-gunner-s-arrogance-took-took-out-29-cars-cars-a-bus-bus-bus-bUTHUT-PAITHUT-TOLL-2025-02- 2025-02- 2025-02- 05 “,” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Title_hn “:” Agra: Etawah MP’s gunner, Dabangi, without giving toll, 29 car and a bus; Category “: {” Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” CITY-R-D-States “}} Cars passing through toll – Photo: Dialogue News Agency Expansion The SP MP of Etawah showed amazing bullying at the toll plaza of Agra Inner Ring Road. Citing the name of the MP, 29 cars and a bus were removed from here…
Read MoreNow Roads and Drains cannot bee buy Rs 120 crus spent by Municipal Corportaion – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67a24273a75fba17210fa67d”, “Slug”: “Now-roads-drains-cannot-be-built-built-built-built-k-ras-ras-ras-ras-crores-speeding-bay-bayicipal-corportaion-2025-02-2025-04” Type “:” Story “,” Status “:” Publish “,” Title_hn “:” Agra: Now the roads and drains, the expenditure will remain for Rs 120 crore; “Category”: “Category”: {“Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” City-Rand-States “}} Municipal corporation agra – Photo: Amar Ujala Expansion The budget of construction fund of the municipal corporation in Agra has ended in February itself. In such a situation, work will not be done from the corporation’s fund. Development work will start only when the…
Read MoreDue to metro the tower of the high tension line will be raised – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
{“_ID”: “67a10568f5d8e49e19090b53”, “Slug”: “Due-to-Metro-to-to-to-to-to-HIGH-HIGH-OF-LINE-LINE-RISED-RISED-2025-025-03”, “TYPE” : “Story”, “Status”: “Publish”, “Title_hn”: “Agra: Metro will have a tower of high -tension line, high, four hours will be electricity; Electricity will be fixed early in the morning”, “Category”: {“Title “:” City & States “,” Title_hn “:” City and State “,” Slug “:” City-Rand-States “}} Power Cut – Photo: Amar Ujala Graphics Expansion Due to the metro track in Agra, the Tower of the 132 KV high -tension line crossing the National Highway on Sikandra near Kamayani Hospital will be elevated. This line supplies…
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