50 Percent Subsidy On Reaper Grinder Machine For Harvesting Wheat Paddy Barley Mustard Millet

50 Percent Subsidy On Reaper Grinder Machine For Harvesting Wheat Paddy Barley Mustard Millet

Subsidy on Wheat Harvester: Wheat crop is at its peak. Farmers are also increasingly engaged in management work for better production. Soon the harvesting season will also start. In order to save time, cost and effort in wheat harvesting, it is advised to use agricultural machines. The problem of stubble also comes after harvesting with these machines. The stubble from the farm is used as animal fodder. Different state governments also provide loan subsidies and grants to buy these machines. A few days ago, one such machinery remained the centerโ€ฆ

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125000 Rupees Grant On The Purchase Of Horticulture Equipment Under The National Horticulture Mission

125000 Rupees Grant On The Purchase Of Horticulture Equipment Under The National Horticulture Mission

National Horticulture Mission: In todayโ€™s modern era, technology and machines have made agriculture gardening easy. The works pending for many days are now completed in a few minutes with the help of agricultural machinery. Farmers are also coming forward and adopting agricultural machinery. The state government is also giving full cooperation to the farmers in this work. Rajasthan Government has also launched the National Horticulture Mission Mechanization Scheme in Horticulture, under which 40% to 50% subsidy is given for the purchase of tractor rotavator, power tiller, tractor or power drivenโ€ฆ

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MP Agricultural Engineering Department Offers 50 Subsidy On Multi Crop Thresher And Chisel Plow

MP Agricultural Engineering Department Offers 50 Subsidy On Multi Crop Thresher And Chisel Plow

Agri Subsidy Scheme: The cultivation of rabi crops has started in the country. Along with the preparation of the fields, the farmers have also started sowing the crops. Due to the delay in paddy harvesting in many areas, the sowing work has not been done yet. The dilemma is that due to late sowing, there is a huge loss in the crops and there are no agricultural machines to finish the work quickly. To overcome this problem, the government has decided to give 50 percent subsidy on the purchase ofโ€ฆ

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100% Subsidy On Agri Machinery Worth 5000 Rupees Under Rajasthan Agricultural Laborers Empowerment Mission

100% Subsidy On Agri Machinery Worth 5000 Rupees Under Rajasthan Agricultural Laborers Empowerment Mission

Subsidy on Agri Machinery: To make farming easier, the use of modern techniques and machines is being promoted. With the help of agricultural machinery, the work of several days is completed in a few hours. Thatโ€™s why every class of farmer is being given subsidy by the government on the purchase of these agricultural machinery. These days, the Rajasthan government has also launched the โ€˜Rajasthan Krishi Shramik Sambal Missionโ€™ scheme for agricultural workers, under which a subsidy of Rs 5,000 per family is given. Let us know in detail aboutโ€ฆ

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