50 Percent Subsidy On Reaper Grinder Machine For Harvesting Wheat Paddy Barley Mustard Millet

50 Percent Subsidy On Reaper Grinder Machine For Harvesting Wheat Paddy Barley Mustard Millet

Subsidy on Wheat Harvester: Wheat crop is at its peak. Farmers are also increasingly engaged in management work for better production. Soon the harvesting season will also start. In order to save time, cost and effort in wheat harvesting, it is advised to use agricultural machines. The problem of stubble also comes after harvesting with these machines. The stubble from the farm is used as animal fodder. Different state governments also provide loan subsidies and grants to buy these machines. A few days ago, one such machinery remained the center…

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Top 5 Mobile Apps For Goat Farming Or Goat Farming Mobile Application Helps To Earn Well

Top 5 Mobile Apps For Goat Farming Or Goat Farming Mobile Application Helps To Earn Well

Bakri Palan: Like agriculture, animal husbandry is also emerging as an important part of the rural economy. The increasing demand for eggs, milk, meat in domestic and foreign markets has made this business profitable. Although more focus is on rearing cows and buffaloes for milk, but the cost of these animals is very high, due to which it becomes difficult for small farmers to buy these animals. This is the reason why small farmers are being motivated to rear goats. For its purchase, the central and state governments together provide…

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Govt Provide Upto 50% Subsidy To Farmers On Cold Storage For Fruit Ripening Technology Benefits

Govt Provide Upto 50% Subsidy To Farmers On Cold Storage For Fruit Ripening Technology Benefits

Ripening Methods: In view of the increasing losses in traditional crops, cultivation of horticulture crops is being encouraged. Horticulture is also proving beneficial for the farmers amidst the increasing demand for fruits and vegetables in the country and abroad, but the possibility of loss in fruits and vegetables of short duration is very high. If fruits and vegetables are not sold in the market on time, then the problem of rotting arises, so now cold storages and pack houses are being built in every state, so that fruits and vegetables…

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