Artificial Intelligence 4 Cool AI Tools on your smartphone you need to know here are the details

4 AI Tools for your Android Phone: In today’s time, every second or third person takes the help of AI to make their work easier and the biggest example of this is Chat GPT. You can guess the importance of AI from the fact that today children studying in school have to do homework or assignments or make reports for employees working in companies. Anything can be done easily with the help of AI. This is the reason why now mobile companies are also providing AI features for users in…

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Microsoft launched AI Video Generator tool called VASA-1 Video Samples

Microsoft VASA-1: Microsoft has introduced VASA-1. VASA-1 is an AI tool that can create videos of human faces directly from still images. This AI tool can even synchronize the real expressions, emotions etc. of humans when it receives an audio clip. Microsoft has shared many samples of VASA-1 on its official website, and people will be really surprised to see it. Microsoft VASA-1 AI Video Generator The full form of VASA-1 is Visual Affective Skills Audio-1. This is a top AI model of the company, which has been specially designed…

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Heart Health AI Can Now Predict Dangerous Heartbeats with 80% Accuracy | Now AI will not only listen to the heartbeat, but will also tell the condition of the heart, researchers said.

Nowadays, cases of heart attack are increasing, due to which everyone is worried. But, now there is a good news. Researchers have created an AI device that can understand our heartbeat and tell whether there is any danger in it. This device can detect with 80% accuracy if there is any abnormality in your heartbeat which may prove dangerous in the future. Earlier, we had to go through tests and lengthy procedures to get such information, but now with the help of this device, we can easily and quickly know…

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You can earn good money from YouTube with the help of AI, know the method

Google’s video streaming platform YouTube is used by millions of people around the world. This platform has more than 2 billion monthly users. Everyone is either watching videos on YouTube and then uploading it. Every 60 seconds, 500 hours of content is uploaded to this platform. Today we are going to tell you how you can earn good money from YouTube using AI. With the help of AI you can produce good content for your YouTube channel. From writing scripts to editing videos, you can use AI tools to make…

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Now there will be no delay in finding out whether Covid is positive or negative, Corona can be tested through AI tool

Covid AI Tool Test: Australian researchers have developed a system to detect Covid infection through AI (Artificial Intelligence) tool. With the help of this tool, Covid infection can be detected through a person’s chest X-ray. Its result is 98 percent accurate. This tool is being considered very important and beneficial in the investigation of Covid. Let us tell you that at present RT PCR test is done on a person to detect Covid infection and in many cases it also fails to give accurate results. In such a situation, this…

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Google Rolls Out New Virtual Try-On For Apparel Tool, Know How To Use

Google has introduced a new virtual try-on for apparel tool, which shows clothes to users using generative artificial intelligence (AI) and also gives them the option to select different body types. The tech giant said in a blogpost on Wednesday that with our new virtual try-on tool on Search, you can see if the piece is right for you before you buy it. how does it work Reportedly, our new generative AI model can take just a single clothing image and accurately reflect how it would drape, fold, seam, stretch…

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Scientist Have Develop A AI Tool Similar To ChatGPT That Can Read Human Mind And Write It

AI can Read Human Mind: AI has been in the headlines continuously since last year. The credit for this goes to Open AI’s Chat GPT. Continuous work is being done on AI tools and many new things are being discovered. Meanwhile, news is coming out that now AI can read your mind. Means AI can know what you are thinking and what you want to do and can tell you in writing. In fact, some scientists at the University of Texas have created an AI tool that can read people’s…

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New method of fraud… Scammers are cheating such people with the help of AI, don’t make this mistake

Artificial Intelligence: Just as every technology has its own advantages and disadvantages, so is the case with Artificial Intelligence. AI also has both disadvantages and advantages. On the one hand, where there is a lot of discussion going on in the market about Artificial Intelligence and its benefits are being talked about everywhere, on the other hand such news has come out from Canada where a couple was cheated by a scammer of 18 lakhs with the help of an AI tool. Lime has been applied. A Canadian couple said…

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AI Tools Other Than ChatGPT Best AI Tools

AI Tools: With the help of AI tools, working has become easier and more fun. After Chat GPT came into the market, people are fiercely discussing AI tools. In a few months, this tool of Open AI did what big giants like YouTube, Netflix, Tick-Talk etc could not do. If you haven’t used Chat GPT yet, do it once because only then you will understand the potential of AI. Today, through this article, we are going to tell you about some other AI tools apart from Chat GPT, with the…

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