Most Turbulent Flight Routes in the world people are afraid of travelling facts

Most turbulent flight routes: Air Europa’s plane, which took off from Madrid, the capital of Spain, to Uruguay, met with an accident when it got caught in turbulence, In this accident, most of the passengers collided with the roof, while one passenger got stuck in the roof of the plane, In the last few days, there have been cases of planes getting caught in turbulence, In such a situation, let us know today which are those places where there is maximum turbulence and passengers hesitate to go there, Italy Of…

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know about most TURBULENT FLIGHT ROUTES IN THE WORLD do not try to take flight for your safety

People who love to travel often prefer to travel by flight so that their time is not wasted in travelling. However, turbulence is common during flight travel. Turbulence is currently in the news because a flight from London to Singapore was badly caught in turbulence and a passenger died in this incident. Let us give you information about such routes of the world where turbulence occurs the most. If you are also a frequent flight traveller, then do not catch flights on these routes even by mistake. Flight from Santiago,…

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airplane wings is there fuel tank know this interesting fact about flight

Nowadays, to save time, most people like to travel by plane. You must have seen many times at the airport that fuel is filled in the wings of the aeroplane. Do you know where the fuel tank is in an airplane? Today we will tell you where the fuel tank is in flight. flight Aviation expert Rebecca Williams said that to balance the weight of the ship, fuel tanks are made in the wings. Because fuel is one of the heaviest components of an aircraft. Let us tell you that…

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know the reason behind why the fuel stored in the wings of a plane

Fuel In Airplane Wings: Many of you must have traveled by aeroplane. So many people’s dream would be to travel by airplane. People who have traveled by plane. And those who have not traveled by plane till now. Many of them may not know one thing related to airplanes, that is where the fuel of the airplane is filled. In normal planes, their fuel is filled in their main body. But the fuel of the airplane is filled in its wings. Let us know what is the reason behind this.…

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someone passenger dies in flight Air hostesses do this first thing know what are the rules

Nowadays, most of the people travel by flight to save time. Because traveling long distances by road or train takes more time. But have you ever wondered what air hostesses do when a passenger dies suddenly in flight? Today we will tell you what are the rules in case of death of a passenger in a flight flying in the sky. What happens if someone dies? According to the report of Daily Star, a flight attendant named Sheen Mary told what are the rules when someone dies in a flight.…

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The plane is thousands of feet in the air, yet toilet is easily used, what is the reason behind this?

Many of you must have traveled by plane. So many of you would want to travel by plane. Generally, people are not able to travel on the plan because its tickets are a bit expensive. Some people  Can never go on a plane. In such a situation, the question must be coming in the minds of people that why are there thousands of airplanes in the air? Flies at a height of feet. But despite this, toilet is used very easily in the plane, what is the reason behind this?…

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This airline is amazing, air hostesses wear bikinis inside the flight

   Airlines of all countries have their own rules. Which also includes the air hostess dress. At the international level, the dress of air hostesses and cabin crew reflects the culture of that country. Due to their strange dress, the uniform of many air hostesses often becomes a topic of discussion. Today we are going to tell you about some such uniforms in the world, which include bikini. Air hostesses wear bikini in the plane Today we are talking about bikini airline. For the first time, a private airline started…

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Canada Man Jump From Running Flight On Land Before Take Off For Dubai Incident Happen In Air Canada Airlines

Man Jump From Air Canada Flight: Nowadays, many incidents related to planes have become a topic of discussion. Recently, the window of a plane in America broke and fell in the air, scaring all the passengers. Meanwhile, on January 8, a passenger traveling on an Air Canada flight opened the cabin door and jumped before the flight took off. According to a report in the New York Post, the passenger boarded the flight like normal passengers at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport. However, during this time, instead of sitting on his…

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IPhone Fell From An Airplane Flying At A Height Of 16,000 Feet, And There Was Not A Single Scratch, See Pictures And Reactions Here

iPhone Drop: Apple company always claims the strength of its iPhone, but most of the users have rejected this claim of Apple from their experiences. It has been seen many times that iPhones break even after falling from a slight height, and all the claims of Apple prove to be useless. iPhone fell from airplane This time a case has been seen in which the iPhone fell not from a very high height, but through the window of an airplane flying at a height of 16,000 feet, on the ground…

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What Will Happen If You Open The Door Of A Plane Flying In The Sky Will People Be Blown Away By The Wind

Whether you have ever sat in a plane or not, still a question must have arisen in your mind that what will happen if the gate of the plane opens in the sky? Besides, the question would also arise as to what would happen to the passengers traveling in the plane at that time. Recently, a similar accident was seen with America’s Boeing 737-9 Max flight. Where the door of the plane flying at a height of 16.32 thousand feet suddenly broke and fell down. After this, strong wind came…

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