Why is airplane fuel stored in the wings? Question asked, know the answer also

Why is airplane fuel stored in the wings?  Question asked, know the answer also

You must have seen the aeroplane. In other aircraft, the fuel tank is usually in the main body, but do you know that the fuel of air airplanes is kept in the wings. Why after all? An aviation expert has explained this in detail on social media. He told that the fuel in the plane is not stored in its main body but in its wings. According to aviation expert Rebecca Williams, this is done to balance the weight of the ship. Because fuel is one of the heaviest components…

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know! The fuel tank of the airplane is in its wings… also understand why it is put here

know!  The fuel tank of the airplane is in its wings… also understand why it is put here

Airplane Fuel Tank: There will be many people among you who must have traveled by air. Airplanes are very big in size and their engine is also very big. It is obvious that such a powerful aircraft needs more fuel to fly. However, it also depends on how big and powerful the engine of the aircraft is. If we talk about the fuel used in the plane, then according to an estimate, a Boeing 747 type aircraft consumes about 4 liters of fuel every second. Accordingly, about 240 liters of…

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