Why Airplane Do Not Ever Flies Over The Himalayan Mountains Interesting Facts About Airplane And Mountains

Why Airplane Do Not Ever Flies Over The Himalayan Mountains Interesting Facts About Airplane And Mountains

Why Airplanes do not fly over the Himalayas: Everyone has read about the Himalayas in school books since childhood. In school, children are taught that the Himalayas are the crown of the country. It is the security shield of the country. Its beauty can also be seen on TV and social media. Everyone likes to go for a walk in the mountains. But do you know that you cannot see its beauty while flying over it? Yes, flying cannot be done over the Himalayas. You cannot travel over it. Actually,…

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So that’s why plane tires don’t explode?… Apart from rubber, they contain aluminum and steel

So that’s why plane tires don’t explode?… Apart from rubber, they contain aluminum and steel

Airplane Tire Fact: Airplane travel is full of excitement and curiosity. Whenever you travel by aeroplane, you must have noticed the shape and size of the aeroplane. They are huge and heavy in size. Think… When this aircraft weighing 200 to 250 tons would land on the runway made of hard concrete at a speed of about 150 to 250 miles per hour, then how much pressure would its tires have to bear! The surprising thing is that these tires bear this beating everyday. Have you ever wondered why its…

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Interesting Facts About Airplane Can You Travel By Standing In Airplane Know The Answer Here

Interesting Facts About Airplane Can You Travel By Standing In Airplane Know The Answer Here

Travel in Flight: In our country India, you must have seen many people traveling standing in the bus. You may have also traveled standing in a bus, train or metro. This is quite common over here. Not only in India, in some other countries of the world too, passengers travel by standing in public transport. Have you ever wondered if one can travel while standing in an airplane like a bus, train and metro? Let us know the answer to this question in detail in today’s article. Traveling standing in…

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What Will Be Happened If A Hole In Airplane Know About It

What Will Be Happened If A Hole In Airplane Know About It

Airplane Fact: Air travel is very exciting, but imagine you are traveling in a plane and suddenly there is a hole in the plane for some reason! What will happen?… Once upon a time, a similar incident happened in an Emirates flight flying from Dubai to Brisbane. Then a big accident with that plane was saved by accident. Let us try to know on the basis of this accident that what can happen if there is a hole in the plane flying in the sky… What happened once?In fact, when…

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know! The fuel tank of the airplane is in its wings… also understand why it is put here

know!  The fuel tank of the airplane is in its wings… also understand why it is put here

Airplane Fuel Tank: There will be many people among you who must have traveled by air. Airplanes are very big in size and their engine is also very big. It is obvious that such a powerful aircraft needs more fuel to fly. However, it also depends on how big and powerful the engine of the aircraft is. If we talk about the fuel used in the plane, then according to an estimate, a Boeing 747 type aircraft consumes about 4 liters of fuel every second. Accordingly, about 240 liters of…

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Seat Belt Work In Car And Airplane Different Between Airplane Seat Belt And Car Seat Belt

Seat Belt Work In Car And Airplane Different Between Airplane Seat Belt And Car Seat Belt

Seat Belts in Cars Vs Airplanes: You know that whenever you travel in a car on the road, it is very important to wear a seat belt from the point of view of your safety. Strict laws have also been made for this. If you do not follow them then you can be fined. But, if you have traveled in both car and aeroplane, then you would know that it is very important to wear seat belt in both car and aeroplane. Seat belt can help a lot in saving…

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