
You cannot name your children in these countries, the government can take action

  Whenever a child arrives at home, the entire family is very curious about his…

Toffees are sold at Rs 50 per kg in this market, people come to buy dry fruits and sacks at throwaway prices.

Delhi is called the city of hearts. Here you can find things of standard for…

The man consumed rat poison in anger, ran to the hospital, said – Doctor sir, save me, I have poisoned…

It is said that anger is man's biggest enemy. An angry person causes harm to…

Sadhvi claimed to give up alcohol, just brought a bottle of liquor, five laddus and two cigarettes, people told her wrong number

People in India are very attached to religion. People have a lot of faith in…

Can you be jailed for eating food at a wedding without being invited? The lawyer told the correct answer, this is written in the law

Kharmas ended from 15th January. With this, auspicious works have started. People have started preparing…

Here this rainy season insect is eaten with relish, the tribals throw it with Bhunja, as soon as it rains there is a race to catch it.

Every state in India is identified by its unique dish. In some places, Kadhi rice…

Do you also like street chow mein? Must watch this video before eating, will not order from now on

Most of the people of India are foodies. This is the reason why you will…

Aunty came for shopping wearing a sweater, committed fraud in 10 seconds, people said – she is a witch…

In today's time, many cases of fraud come to light. Many times shopkeepers fool people…

Jai to Blanket Baba! A dumb person starts speaking with one slap, people come from far and wide to get slapped

India is a country where people have great faith in religion. This belief is justified…