consume this thing before sleeping at night stomach problem will solve soon

consume this thing before sleeping at night stomach problem will solve soon

Due to the changing eating habits of today, the problem of gas and acidity has now become common among people. Due to which problems like heartburn, nervousness, restlessness increase. Due to this, the problem of not being able to sleep throughout the night has also been seen in people. Its immediate treatment is very important. In such situations people get worried. To avoid this, today we will tell you about one such thing by consuming which you can get relief from these problems. We are talking about celery. Celery is…

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2 Homemade powder will remove the problem of gas! You will get relief only after eating, the way to make it is easy

2 Homemade powder will remove the problem of gas!  You will get relief only after eating, the way to make it is easy

highlights Stomach related problems are increasing due to spoiled lifestyle, wrong eating habits. Powder made of celery and asafoetida can remove the problem of gas. Home Made Powder for Gas: Gas is a very common problem in stomach related problems. Rapidly changed lifestyle and food habits have greatly increased this problem and now people are seen struggling with gas problems at an early age. Many people even take the help of medicines for this. However, today we will tell you some home remedies, with the help of which the problem…

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Ajwain Leaves Health Benefits Know How To Use It In Food

Ajwain Leaves Health Benefits Know How To Use It In Food

Ajwain Leaves Health Benefits: Ajwain found in every household in India, along with enhancing the taste of dishes, also works to keep the person consuming it healthy. It is an important spice used for cooking. Stomach related problems can be cured quickly by its use. Not only this, it is also very helpful in curing minor and major diseases. You must have used carom seeds in many ways and would also be well aware of its benefits. But do you know that oregano leaves can also be helpful in protecting…

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