Alanna Wedding Reception Video: Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey’s cousin sister and social media influencer Alana Pandey has tied the knot. Alana had a traditional marriage with her long time boyfriend Ivor McCrae in Mumbai. Many Bollywood celebrities had also reached the Big Day of this couple. At the same time, all the pictures and videos from Alana and Ivor’s pre-wedding celebration to marriage are now going viral on the internet. Amidst all this, the inside video of newly wed Alana and Ivor’s wedding reception has also surfaced. Inside video of…
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Alana Panday Ivor McCray Wedding Today Know Everything About Ananya Pandey Brother In Law
Alana Panday Ivor McCray Wedding: Bollywood actress Ananya Pandey’s cousin sister Alana Pandey’s wedding has become the talk of the town these days. Alana will tie the knot with her long time boyfriend Ivor McCrae on March 16. Pictures of all the pre-wedding celebrations of this couple in Mumbai have already appeared on social media. Let us know here who is Ananya Pandey’s brother-in-law and Alana Pandey’s husband Ivor McCrae? Who is Ivor McCrae?Edward Ivor McCrae V aka Ivor McCrae is an American film director and photographer. Ivor was born…
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