health tips perfect food combination with alcohol which eat while drinking

Best Alcoholic Foods : Alcohol consumption is harmful. We are all aware of this, yet many people cannot live without it and drink alcohol every day. While drinking alcohol, people also eat some snacks, which is also called tasting. Mostly spicy things are kept in it. However, consuming them with alcohol is dangerous. Some snacks are such that the body is unable to absorb nutrients and problems like acid reflux, bloating increase. The reason for this is that most snacks increase dehydration. Continuously eating fatty, spicy and salty things in…

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How do people get addicted to alcohol despite knowing its ill effects? It takes 30 lakh lives every year

Due to drinking poisonous liquor in Tamil Nadu 34 people died while More than 100 people are admitted in hospital. You must be hearing news of deaths due to poisonous liquor every day. Many people have this question in their mind that when people know that poisonous liquor is killing many people then how do people become so addicted to it? Let us know about this today

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diseases that can be caused by drinking too much alcohol

Side effects of alcohol consumption: Some people consume alcohol for fun and some to forget their sorrows. But this alcohol acts as a slow poison for our body, which can cause many diseases and its excessive consumption can damage the liver and also affect the heart. So let us tell you today which diseases can be caused by drinking alcohol and why you should stay away from it. Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of these diseases Liver Damage Alcohol directly damages our liver, if a person drinks alcohol in…

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Health tips: how alcohol consumption is connected to diabetes, know its side effects

Health Tips: The number of diabetes patients in India is increasing day by day, not only in old age but the risk of diabetes is also increasing rapidly among youngsters. One reason for this is wrong eating habits and lifestyle, due to which people become victims of diabetes at an early age. But most people think that diabetes is caused by eating sweets. Let us tell you that alcohol can also increase the risk of diabetes and for those who are already diabetic, this alcohol can be fatal. So let…

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oral health alcohol based mouthwash can increase risk of cancer | Health Risk: If you use mouthwash with this thing then be alert, the risk of cancer may increase

Oral Health : Nowadays, the use of alcohol-based mouthwash has increased a lot. Mouthwash is being used to keep the mouth germ-free and to clean teeth and gums, which can be very dangerous. A study has revealed that there is a risk of cancer from alcohol-based mouthwash. The study states that alcohol-based mouthwash can have a direct effect on the oral microbiome i.e. the bacteria in the mouth. Due to which the risk of periodontal disease and cancer can increase. Let us tell you that the oral microbiome is helpful…

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Drinking on a plane can affect your heart, new research suggests

Alcohol In Plane: Many people like to drink alcohol while traveling in a plane. Especially if the journey is of eight to ten hours or more, people drink alcohol in the plane to pass time and to keep themselves busy. But drinking alcohol in a plane can have a bad effect on your heart. A recent research done in this regard said that drinking in a plane is not good for your heart at all. Let’s know what the research says. Study done at German Aerospace Center Research conducted by…

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Why do people start speaking another language after drinking alcohol what is the reason for this

You must have seen around you that after drinking alcohol, a person’s confidence increases a lot. Not only this, after drinking alcohol a person tries to talk in many languages ​​including English. But do you know what is the reason behind this? After all, why does a person speak in another language with confidence after drinking alcohol? Today we will tell you the reason behind this. Drinking alcohol gives you confidence People’s confidence increases after drinking alcohol. Due to increased confidence, people start speaking in many languages ​​including English. According…

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Now you will not swing after drinking alcohol, this ‘pill’ will remove all the intoxication, you will regain consciousness as soon as you consume it.

Hangover Medication : Alcohol hangover will not be there for long now. The entire intoxication will go away in one go. A gel is being made which will immediately remove the intoxication of alcohol and will also keep you safe. This gel made from the combination of iron atom and milk protein beta-lactoglobulin will turn ethanol into acetate on colliding with alcohol in the digestion system. This will make the intoxication disappear. Food scientist Jiaqi Su of ETH Zurich and his team have recently published this study in Nature Nano-technology.…

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That whiskey made in UP, each bottle of which was worth Rs 5 lakh, was sold in no time.

Liquor For the lovers, what matters is not its price but its specialty. Due to its specialty, Rampur Signature Reserve has become India’s most expensive and luxurious single malt whiskey, which is priced at Rs 5 lakh per bottle. Rampur Signature Reserve has been created with a high level of expertise and exclusivity by the Rampur (Uttar Pradesh) franchise of Radico Khaitan. Only limited edition of this single malt whiskey has been launched. Only 400 bottles of it were made for sale, out of which only two bottles are left.…

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What is Auto Brewery Syndrome? Alcohol starts being produced in the body on its own.

Drinking and driving is a crime. But if you are not driving after drinking alcohol and the amount of alcohol is present in your body during checking, what does it mean? Today we will tell you in simple language how alcohol reaches your body without consuming it.   What is the matter Actually, a person was arrested in Belgium on suspicion of drunk driving. According to a report by Reuters, medical examination found that the person has a rare disease called Auto Brewery Syndrome. Alcohol starts producing automatically in the…

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