Alien on Earth may live with Humans Harvard University researcher claim on papers

Alien on Earth may live with Humans Harvard University researcher claim on papers

aliens on earth : Scientists are busy doing research day and night to find out whether aliens exist in the universe or not. In such a situation, whenever a strange thing is seen flying in the sky, then the mention of aliens comes to the tongue of the people. Now one such report has come out, in which the possibility has been expressed that aliens are living hidden among us. According to researchers doing research on aliens at Harvard University, aliens may be living hidden among humans. The study said…

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UFOs are not alien vehicles, but secret military aircraft! American scientist’s claim created panic, told- who is doing this work

UFOs are not alien vehicles, but secret military aircraft!  American scientist’s claim created panic, told- who is doing this work

In recent times, cases of sightings of UFO-like objects have increased rapidly in many countries including America, Australia and Britain. People claim that these are alien vehicles, which are repeatedly trying to land on Earth. It is even claimed that they come and go away after drinking the blood of cows. Many experts have also said this to be correct. But a scientist who worked for the American Defense Agency has made such a revelation that it has created a stir. He claimed that UFOs are not alien vehicles, but…

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Aliens are killing cows here! Organs are being cut off and taken along, but not even a drop of blood falls

Aliens are killing cows here!  Organs are being cut off and taken along, but not even a drop of blood falls

There are various claims about the presence of aliens. Sometimes it is said that in a few days there will be a fierce war between aliens and humans and aliens will take over the earth. So sometimes the matter of seeing UFOs comes to the fore. But today we are going to tell you such news that you will be shocked to hear. Some dairy farm owners in Australia claim that aliens are coming to their village and kill cows and take away their organs. The surprising thing is that…

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When and how can aliens contact humans? Shocking claim in new study

When and how can aliens contact humans?  Shocking claim in new study

highlights Shocking claim made about aliens in new study Scientists said- aliens can send signals on the high moon Researchers looking for technical signals Many types of news have been coming to the fore regarding aliens. Many people have also claimed to have seen aliens and UFOs. Many types of questions have been coming up about alien creatures, but till now scientists have not got any concrete answer. Scientists are still looking for signs of alien life on other planets. But how do we know if they’ve ever tried to…

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