
Aliens seen in America, that too on the road! People were shocked to see the UFO, even the police had to come…

There has been a debate for a long time about whether aliens exist or not.…

Were the bodies of ‘Aliens’ found again? The DNA test revealed something that baffled scientists!

Many stories are coming out all over the world about the existence of aliens. It…

A person claimed to have found a nuclear city, he searched using Google Earth, people also made their claims, but…

There are many discussions on whether aliens exist or not or whether they have any…

An intermittent sound is coming from space, the astronauts are perplexed, is it that…

A strange intermittent radio signal coming from space has surprised astronomers around the world. Recently,…

Researcher said, if you want to find aliens, pay attention not only to UFOs but also to USO, do you know what this is?

Everyone has heard about UFOs, but have you heard about Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs)? These…

Aliens stole ‘eggs from my womb’, took them away in a ship, woman made sensational claim, you will be shocked to know!

Science has made great progress in today's world. However, even today there are some questions…

What is the story of Area 51 is America really doing research on aliens know the truth

Area 51: We often hear news of aliens. Science has shown that there is not…

‘Aliens have been attacking India for 3000 years’, new revelation in research, technology is much ahead of us…

Just imagine for once, there is an alien city somewhere far away in space and…

Did aliens really build the Egyptian pyramids Know the truth behind this

The pyramids of Egypt are one of the few things in the world that will…