What is the story of Area 51 is America really doing research on aliens know the truth

What is the story of Area 51 is America really doing research on aliens know the truth

Area 51: We often hear news of aliens. Science has shown that there is not just one but many universes in the world. Where there are many galaxies. In such a situation, a question comes to mind that someone must be living there too. There will be life there too. What would those people look like? What will be their standard of living? All these things remain a mystery till now. Research is being done on these for a long time. But no concrete evidence emerged. But meanwhile one place…

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‘Aliens have been attacking India for 3000 years’, new revelation in research, technology is much ahead of us…

‘Aliens have been attacking India for 3000 years’, new revelation in research, technology is much ahead of us…

Just imagine for once, there is an alien city somewhere far away in space and from there they are looking at our Earth through an advanced telescope. What can you see? Would they be able to see life, intelligence or civilization on our Earth? Will they be trying to contact us or will they try to quietly absorb? ZN Usmanov of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) in his ‘Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations’ (Are we visible to advanced alien civilizations?) It is written in the research, in…

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Did aliens really build the Egyptian pyramids Know the truth behind this

Did aliens really build the Egyptian pyramids Know the truth behind this

The pyramids of Egypt are one of the few things in the world that will make humans forever proud of the technology of their ancestors. But a question has been floating on the internet for decades whether the Great Pyramids of Giza, Egypt, were built by humans only? Or they were created by aliens. In fact, it is almost impossible to have any such technology in that era when such pyramids were built with the help of big stones. The Great Pyramid of Egypt It is said about the Great…

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Does the sighting of aliens have anything to do with the ‘environment’? When the answer was searched, the scientist got strange results

Does the sighting of aliens have anything to do with the ‘environment’?  When the answer was searched, the scientist got strange results

Have you heard the name of UFO? It was claimed that these vehicles belonged to aliens. There was a time when this name was also discussed. Such incidents started being mentioned one after the other in America. Lakhs of cases of seeing such unknown things were reported and these were thoroughly investigated. But their truth never came out. But a new study has revealed strange results regarding UFOs. In this, the sighting of UFOs was closely related to the environment of the place where they were seen. This unique relationship…

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Why are the people of this city calling aliens…know the special reason behind this

Why are the people of this city calling aliens…know the special reason behind this

People living on Earth have now started taking interest in people from other worlds. In fact, science and new technology are forcing humans to think that just as there is life on Earth, there will be life on some other planet in this universe as well. The biggest thing is that an American city is sending invitations through laser in space to invite aliens to its place. Let us know what is the whole matter. What is the whole matter Actually, Lexington is a small city in the US state…

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UFOs are not alien vehicles, but secret military aircraft! American scientist’s claim created panic, told- who is doing this work

UFOs are not alien vehicles, but secret military aircraft!  American scientist’s claim created panic, told- who is doing this work

In recent times, cases of sightings of UFO-like objects have increased rapidly in many countries including America, Australia and Britain. People claim that these are alien vehicles, which are repeatedly trying to land on Earth. It is even claimed that they come and go away after drinking the blood of cows. Many experts have also said this to be correct. But a scientist who worked for the American Defense Agency has made such a revelation that it has created a stir. He claimed that UFOs are not alien vehicles, but…

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‘Alien’s bones’ came swimming on the sea shore, everyone was surprised to see, experts revealed this secret!

‘Alien’s bones’ came swimming on the sea shore, everyone was surprised to see, experts revealed this secret!

Aliens means creatures from other planets. Such creatures who are not the inhabitants of this earth. You must have seen them in many sci-fi movies. For some time, America is also being accused of hiding many secrets about these aliens from the world. Many American officials say that America has many such information related to aliens, which this country is not sharing. Now I do not know what is the reality, but once again some such pictures have come on social media, which have fueled the talk of aliens. One…

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Aliens are killing cows here! Organs are being cut off and taken along, but not even a drop of blood falls

Aliens are killing cows here!  Organs are being cut off and taken along, but not even a drop of blood falls

There are various claims about the presence of aliens. Sometimes it is said that in a few days there will be a fierce war between aliens and humans and aliens will take over the earth. So sometimes the matter of seeing UFOs comes to the fore. But today we are going to tell you such news that you will be shocked to hear. Some dairy farm owners in Australia claim that aliens are coming to their village and kill cows and take away their organs. The surprising thing is that…

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Are Aliens Coming UFO Expert Made Shocking Revelations | Big disclosure about aliens, UFO expert claims

Are Aliens Coming UFO Expert Made Shocking Revelations |  Big disclosure about aliens, UFO expert claims

You must have heard and seen a lot about the other world and aliens in movies and stories. As soon as we talk outside our world the interest in people increases. However, it is a bit difficult to believe in this. But we should also think that if there is a planet like Earth in this whole universe and there are many types of creatures on it, then there will be other planets like this somewhere and there will be many creatures like humans and animals on them. However, we…

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Man from future claims, aliens will capture Earth in February, human bones will be found on Mars

Man from future claims, aliens will capture Earth in February, human bones will be found on Mars

If someone tells you that destruction is going to come on the earth in a few days. There will be a fight between humans and aliens and if the aliens take over the earth, will you agree? One person has made many similar claims. He claims that he has seen the future by time traveling. He has returned from the year 2858 and has seen that in the year 2023 five big events are going to happen in the world. According to the Daily Star report, this person posts from…

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