Ramkumar Bhardwaj injured in a fight in MP’s office – Photo : Dialogue Expansion On 17 June, during the welcome program of BJP MP Satish Gautam, elected for the third time, two groups of supporters clashed with each other in the park outside his office. During this, there was abuse during the debate on the votes received by the MP in each other’s area. By the time they came out of the park, a fight broke out in which the head of a leader of one side was broken. A…
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Coaching Operators Met Aligarh MP Satish Gautam – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live
Operators of private coaching institutes meet MP Satish Gautam – Photo : Samvad Expansion Troubled by the Education Ministry’s order not to admit students below 16 years of age or before class 12 in coaching institutes, private teachers and operators of private coaching institutes met BJP MP Satish Gautam and expressed their problems. Remove this video/ad Coaching operators told the MP that they have no objection to almost all the points of the guidelines issued by the Education Ministry, but banning the entry of students below 16 years of age…
Read MoreAligarh News:BJP metropolitan president raised the question, asked whether investing in ozone is safe or not
Metropolitan President Vivek Saraswat – Photo: Social Media Expansion In Aligarh, BJP Metropolitan President Vivek Saraswat has sent a letter to the Deputy Commissioner Industries Center. In which it has been said that Ozone City owner Praveen Mangla himself has said through newspapers that Rs 900 crore has been invested by him in the Investors Summit. This proposal must have been approved through you and sent to the government. In this, all the information should be made available to the BJP metropolis. It has been asked how much personal self…
Read MoreAligarh News:19.58 Crore proposal for Ozone City Road under consideration in the government, construction will be done as soon as approval is given
worse condition of ring road going to ozone city – Photo: Amar Ujala Expansion In the last financial year, the government had given financial approval for the construction of Ozone City Road in Aligarh. But when the tender was issued, it came to know that financial approval has been given on the old proposal and now the cost has increased. Due to this the tender was canceled in a hurry. Again a new proposal costing 19.58 crores was prepared and sent to the government. Whose approval is still awaited. The…
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