aligarh muslim university

Three times more nitrate found in groundwater in western up – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67b601FF48B6C800A079f44", "Slug": "Three-Times-More-Nitrate-Found-Found-in-GRONDWATE R-in-western-up-2025-02-19 "," Type ":" Feature-Story "," Status ":" Publish "," Title_HN…

Beef Biryani in Amu Lunch – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_ID": "67A9f24f5331Be191BE5C", "Slug": "Beef-Biryani-in-AMU-Lunch-2025-02-10", "Type": "Type": "Feature-Story", "Status": "Status": "Status", " Title_hn ":" Beef Biryani…

Professor Abdus Salam Humiliated in Pakistan But Honored at AMU Know His Story ann

A priceless heritage is kept in the Maulana Azad Library of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU),…

India Three Urdu Academies Have Not Received Budget For Eight Years – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_id":"675be1ee8ad85e41a90e554e","slug":"india-three-urdu-academies-have-not-received-budget-for-eight-years-2024-12-13","type":"feature- story","status":"publish","title_hn":"AMU: Three Urdu academies of the country did not get the budget for eight…

Huge decline in the number of foreign students in Aligarh Muslim University, you will be stunned to see the figures.

Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) is well known for its modern education, but these days it…

Prof. Abdussalam Was Insulted In Pakistan Gave Nobel Prize To Amu – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

{"_id":"67573321aeaab81dea06b148","slug":"prof-abdussalam-was-insulted-in-pakistan-gave-nobel-prize-to-amu-2024-12-09","type":"feature- story","status":"publish","title_hn":"Nobel Prize Day: Insulted in Pakistan, I had given my Nobel Prize to AMU,…

Aligarh Muslim University Year of Central University Status Know How is it Started Supreme Court Verdict on AMU Minority Status dy chandrachud

Aligarh Muslim University: Aligarh Muslim University's historical significance, contribution to education and global recognition establish…

Aligarh Muslim University minority Status What is Article 30 which was mentioned by the Supreme Court

Aligarh Muslim University Minority Status: The Supreme Court has given its verdict on the minority…

Courses In AMU Admission available in more than 300 courses every year large number of foreign students come

Courses in AMU: Aligarh Muslim University, formerly known as Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College. It is a…

Aligarh Muslim University Will have its minority status remain know advantages and disadvantages for students of minority community

AMU Minority Status: Judicial churning continues on the minority status of Aligarh Muslim University. Meanwhile,…