These five healthy looking foods can spoil the condition of your heart, if eaten in excess, it can cause harm

Heart patients are advised to take a healthy diet, but there are some healthy things that can have a bad effect on our heart health. If consumed for a long time, it can increase the risk of blockage, heart failure and heart attack. Ghee: Ghee contains good fats, which if consumed regularly is beneficial for our health. But if we consume more ghee than required, then heart related problems can increase rapidly, because it contains both cholesterol and triglyceride, which can cause heart attack. Flax seeds or linseeds: Flax seeds…

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Know the benefits of soaked dried fruits in the summer read full article in Hindi

Dry Fruits In Summer: It is advisable to eat dry fruits like cashews and almonds in winters so that the body remains warm in winters. But is it healthy to eat these in summers? But some people feel that eating dry fruits in summers can make the stomach hot. However, health experts and dieticians recommend eating dry fruits according to the season. Let us know which dry fruits should be eaten in summers? Dried fruits are rich in nutrients Rich in fat, protein, magnesium, iron, vitamin B and fiber, these…

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agriculture almond cultivation farming process know how much cost required

Dry fruits are very beneficial for our health. One of these is almonds, which people like to eat the most. Almonds are very beneficial for our brain and body. Due to which its demand is also very high. In such a situation, farmers can earn good profits by commercially cultivating almonds. commercial cultivation of almonds Apart from almonds, its oil is also in great demand in the market. Many medicines are made with the help of almonds, people consume almonds daily to keep themselves healthy. Due to high demand, the…

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better way to consume almond daily know its benefits

Almond Benefits: Eating almonds is considered very beneficial for health. This leads to physical and mental development of people. With its daily consumption the brain starts working faster. Almond is considered a treasure of nutrients, many types of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and fiber are found in it. Along with this, almonds also contain calcium and phosphorus, which nourish the body. Apart from this, it also helps in curing heart related diseases. Almond oil is very beneficial for hair and it also proves to be effective in softening the skin.…

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Almonds: It is good to eat soaked almonds on an empty stomach, but is it necessary to peel them?

Almond is the king of dry fruits. It contains omega-3 in abundance. It is said to be eaten because it increases the power of brain and memory. In winter you can eat it directly. But in the summer season it is advised to eat it in a different way. According to the dietician, during summer days, soak almonds in water overnight and eat them on an empty stomach in the morning. But before eating you should remove the peels of almonds. In such a situation the question arises why? Let…

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Dry Fruits Side Effects eating dry fruits daily is good or not for health know more

Everyone wants to have good health, for this people go to the gym and eat fruits. But there are very few people who can keep themselves feet. If you also want to stay fit, then this news is for you. Actually, many juices, powders, medicines are available in the market, by consuming which you can stay fit. But sometimes excessive consumption becomes harmful. Now you can easily take care of your health by staying at home. Dry fruits are rich in nutrients, their consumption is very beneficial for the body.…

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Sachin’s Litti is very special…it is made from flour and pure gram, chutney of almonds, coconut and pistachios, the taste is amazing.

Vikram Kumar Jha/Purnia: If you want to eat pure Litti Chokha in Purnia then come here. Here you are given litti prepared from flour and pure gram dipped in ghee. Along with this you will get to eat chokha, chutney, onion and green chilli. Its taste is so tasty that people eat three to four of them just like that. The story of Sachin who started it is also different. After completing high school, he fell into bad company. After this, he left studies and opened a corner of Litti…

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Virat Kohli’s wife Anushka Sharma drinks the milk of this special thing, not cow or buffalo, the benefits are excellent.

Almond Milk Benefits: Indian cricket team’s veteran player Virat Kohli and his wife live on a vegan diet, that is, they have stopped taking animal protein. Apart from animal protein i.e. non-veg, cow, buffalo, goat milk, curd made from it, even cheese are not eaten in this diet. Now you must be wondering when they are not eating, then where are they taking protein from. Let us know how the couple fulfills their protein requirement… So what kind of milk does Anushka Sharma drink?Anushka Sharma drinks almond milk. She makes…

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How many almonds is it beneficial to eat in a day? Are you eating more than this?

Almond Benefits: Almond is a powerful dry fruit, which benefits health tremendously. Almonds are as healthy as they are rich in nutrients. Elements like Vitamin E, Magnesium, Riboflavin, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Vitamin B, Niacin, Thiamin and Folate are found in almonds. This does not mean that one should eat as many almonds as one wants. Eating too many almonds can also be harmful. So let us know how many almonds eaten in a day is healthy for our body… Amazing benefits of eating almonds 1. Eating almonds keeps the…

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Almond Benefits: Why should women eat almonds every day? Know expert opinion

Dry fruits are very beneficial for health. It is very good for everyone, be it children, old or young. Today we will talk about the benefits of almonds. We will also talk about why women should eat almonds every day? Especially after the age of 30, women must take care of their health. Because with increasing age, the risk of fatigue, irritability and even many diseases increases for women. On the other hand, if a woman follows a good diet, exercises, works and keeps herself fit, then &nbsp ;They have…

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